Table of Contents
• • Issue 2014

Determination of Intraoral Pressures on Biofunctional Compartments in Edentulous Patients
Fuentes, Ramón; Engelke, Wilfried; Fuentes, Camila; Soto, Nadia; Cantín, Mario
Letter to the Editor. Comment on: Dentistry National Exam: Bibliographic Review of Mechanisms
Histological Features of Dental Pulp in 4 and 12 Week-old Mice
Comparative Study of Therapy with Melissa Officinalis vs. Conventional Topical Treatment with 5% Acyclovir in Type 1 Herpes Lesions
Prevalence of Malocclusion in 6 to 15-year-old Children and Adolescents in Frutillar, Chile
Regeneration Efficacy of Platelet-rich Fibrin in Patients Undergoing Periodontal Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Epidermoid Cysts of Head and Neck Region – Case Series and Review of Literature
Sunil, S.; Neetu Oommen; Rathy, R.; Rekha, V. R.; Divya Raj & Sruthy V. K.
Use of Tilted Implants in Prosthetic Rehabilitation
Forensic Dentistry III: Palatal Rugae and Lip Prints in Forensic Identification
Nutritional Status of 17-Year-Old Adolescents and its Relation with Caries History. Florida 2011
Carlos Araya Vallespir; Diana Marchant Obreque; Pablo Rivas Delgado; Cristobal Palma Thomas & Oscar Poblete de la Fuente
Oral Health in Homebound Elderly Adults
Orthodontic Use of Documentation in Identification of a Skeletonized Body in Legal Dental Practice
Andrea Sayuri Silveira Dias Terada; Laís Gomes de Araujo; Luiz Renato Paranhos; Teresa Cristina Pantozzi Silveira; Marco Aurélio Guimarães & Ricardo Henrique Alves da Silva
Working Length Determination in Endodontics. Clinical Issues of Dental Root and Root Canal Systems Morphology
Comparative Study of the Indicated Survival Rate of Restorative Materials Used in Pediatric Patients 4 to 9 Years of Age with High Risk of Developing Caries
Mónica Ceballos Casanova; Claudia Acevedo Atala; Alejandra Jans Muñoz & Claudia Atala Acevedo
OPG Location in Dental Pulp of Albino Swiss Mice
Tuberous Sclerosis: A Case Report with Oral Manifestation
Marcos Martins Curi; Camila Lopes Cardoso; Carla Renata Sanomiya Ikuta; Daniel Henrique Koga & Cristina Zardetto
Insertion Torque of Mini Dental Implants and their Failure Risk after Immediate Loading
Survival of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) Restorations in Permanent Teeth
Epidemiological Patterns of Traumatic Dental Injuries (GES Disease) in Adult Patients Treated at a Chilean National Trauma Center during 2 Periods
Francisca Velásquez; Claudia Mancilla; Ana Yelitza Niño; Víctor Tirreau; Juan Cortés-Araya; María Cecilia Rojas; Enrico Escobar; Daniel Reyes-Court; Sergio Calleja; Carolina Ulloa-Marín & Hsiao Hsin Sung-Hsieh
Coexistence of Porphyromonas gingivalis , Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola in the Red Bacterial Complex in Chronic Periodontitis Subjects
Carlos Martín Ardila Medina; Astrid Adriana Ariza Garcés & Isabel Cristina Guzmán Zuluaga
Acid Foods and Soft Drinks Dental Erosive Potential: Warning Messages or Not?
Outcome of Orthodontic Treatments and its Relationship to Malocclusion Complexity
Diana Maria Barbosa Lis; Oscar Zapata Noreña; Alvaro Carvajal; Celba Maria Franco; Sara Astrid Rodriguez Aguirre; Alvaro Andres Florez Pino & Mariluz Restrepo
Civil Liability of Dental Surgeon: Legal Proceedings Analysis in the City of Ribeirao Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil
Andrea Sayuri Silveira Dias Terada; Laís Gomes de Araujo; Marta Regina Pinheiro Flores & Ricardo Henrique Alves da Silva
Ergonomic Posture Knowledge in Relation to the Perception of Postural Pain During Clinical Care in Dental Students
WaveOne: A Simple and Safe Way to Perform an Endodontic Treatment
Daniel Aracena; Pablo Betancourt; Eduardo Borie; Mario Guzmán & Ramón Fuentes
Clinical and Microbiological Characterization of Patients with Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis
Carlos Martín Ardila Medina; Clara Lina Salazar & Isabel Cristina Guzmán Zuluaga
Validity and Reliability in Dental Research
Pedro Christian Aravena; Javier Moraga; Ricardo Cartes-Velásquez & Carlos Manterola
Viruses in Endodontics
Scarlette Hernández Vigueras; Luis Salazar Navarrete; Ricardo Pérez Tomás; Juan José Segura Egea; Miguel Viñas & José López-López
Prevalence of Supernumerary Teeth on Panoramic Radiographs in a Non-Adult Peruvian Sample
Radiographic and Clinical Evaluations of the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex Fractures Treated by 2.0 Miniplates System
Ana Paula Farnezi Bassi; Walter Cristiano Gealh; Cassiano Costa Silva Pereira; Ellen Cristina Gaetti Jardim; Osvaldo Magro Filho & Idelmo Rangel Garcia Junior
Dental Journals in the SciELO Database: A Bibliometric Overview
Prevalence of Dental Caries and Oral Hygiene Level in Children Aged 6 Years Attended Under GES and JUNAEB Models
Jorge Fuentes N.; Gilda Corsini M.; Thomas Bornhardt; Alejandro Ponce V. & Álvaro Ruiz F.
Cone-Beam Computed Tomography as Complementary Tool in Diagnosis and Surgical Planning of Dentigerous Cyst: Case Report
Maria Augusta Portella Guedes Visconti; Rafael Binato Junqueira; Francielle Silvestre Verner; Abílio Augusto Sobrinho Rodrigues; Karina Lopes Devito & Renato Francisco Visconti Filho
Tooth Loss Related to Root Perforation: Legal Approach in Endodontic Practice
Isamara Geandra Cavalcanti Caputo; Ana Cláudia Rossi; Alexandre Rodrigues Freire; Débora Campanella Bastos; Manuel Gustavo Chavez Sevillano; Eduardo Daruge Júnior & Felippe Bevilacqua Prado
Apical Microfiltration of Two Cement Sealers. An in vitro Study
Analysis of Association between Posterior Crossbite, Median Line Deviation and Facial Asymmetry
Perception of Adolescent Patients on Cooperation During Orthodontic Treatment: A Qualitative Study
Laura Maria Castellanos Giraldo; Ana Cecilia Pérez Rendón; Alejandro Gallón Londoño & Juan Manuel Cárdenas Vásquez
In vitro Evaluation of Color Changes of Aesthetic Orthodontic Elastic Ligatures
Ludimila Kasberger Silva; Bruna Coser Guignone; Klinger de Castro Marinho; Marcelo Coelho Goiato; Matheus Melo Pithon; Rodrigo Villamarim Soares & Dauro Douglas Oliveira
Analysis of Bacterial Contamination Produced by Aerosols in Dental Clinic Environments
María Fabiola Bustamante Andrade; Jessica Herrera Machuca; Roxana Ferreira Adam & Denisse Riquelme Sanchez
Tooth Calcification in Low-Weight Human Fetuses
Leorik Pereira da Silva; George João Ferreira do Nascimento; Déborah Pitta Paraíso Iglesias; Márcia Maria Fonseca da Silveira & Ana Paula Veras Sobral
Early Detection of Periodontal Pathogens by PCR in Relation to Osseointegrated Implants
Complications During Third Molar Surgery between the Years 2007–2010 in an Urban Hospital, Chile
Prevalence of Geographic Tongue in Chilean Children between 7 and 10 Years of Age
M. Marshall Baburizza; M. Feldstedt González; J. Fernández Moraga; A. Fernández Moraga & A. Esguep Sarah
Prevalence of Myofascial Pain in Masticatory and Neck Muscles in a Specialized Center of Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain
Pathological Fracture due to Mandibular Osteoradionecrosis: A Case Report
Graciele Rui; Cristina Rettore; Mayara Cristina De Bona; Nicolas Lazaretti; Mariano Ughini Crusius & Ferdinando De Conto
Effect of Treatment with Linear Accelerator on Salivary Flow in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer
Removable Partial Denture with Distal Extension and Implant Support, Behavior and Clinical Consideration
María José Arellano-Valeria; Denise Olivares-Keller & Marco Antonio Flores
Approaching of the Alveolar Processes Using Presurgical Orthopedics in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate
Periodontal Treatment and Quality of Life of Chronic Facial Pain Patients
Gisele Maria Campos Fabri; Cynthia Savioli & José Tadeu Tesseroli Siqueira
Hydroxyapatite Effectiveness in Healing of Bone Grafts and Dental Implants: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Dentistry National Exam. Bibliographic Review of Mechanisms
Early Malocclusion Treatment without Functional Devices: Presentation of Two Clinical Cases
Post Exodontia Analgesic Effect of Morinda citrifolia (Noni): A Randomized Clinical Trial in Parallel Groups
Milagros del Pilar Cornejo Ferradas; Angel Steven Asmat Abanto & Segundo Guillermo Ruíz Reyes
Evaluation of Composite Reinforcement on the Fracture Resistance of Teeth with Unsupported Cusps
Marly Christiènne Capaneli Guimarães Ferreira; Iara Augusta Orsi; Evelyn Borie-Echevarría & Eduardo Borie
Evaluation In Vitro of Frictional Resistance of SelfLigating Esthetic and Conventional Brackets
Maria Rita Danelon do Amaral; Perrim Smith Neto; Matheus Melo Pithon & Dauro Douglas Oliveira
Expression of E-Cadherin and Syndecan-1 in Oral and Skin Lichen Planus
Carreon-Burciaga, R. G.; Mendoza-Roaf, P.; Amezcua-Rosas, G.; Bologna-Molina, R.; Gonzélez-Montemayor, T.; González-González, R. & Lemús-Rojero, O.
Quality of Life Related to Oral Health in Subjects 14 Years or Older, San Juan Bautista Community, Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile
Josefina Aubert; Sergio Sanchéz; René Castro; María José Monsalves; Paulina Castillo & Patricia Moya
Recurrent Oral Manifestations of Paracoccidioidomycosis without Pulmonary Involvement: Case Report and Review of Literature
Manuel Antônio Gordón-Núñez; Ana Luiza Dias Leite de Andrade; Hugo Costa Neto; Eveline Pipolo Milán; Kleber Giovanni Luz & Hébel Cavalcanti Galvão
Dental Emergencies in the Cautín – Chile Province between 2009 to 2013
Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma – A Case Report
Periodontitis and Metabolic Control: A Preliminary Study
Gisele Maria Campos Fabri; Paulo Sérgio Rangel D’Alleva; Simão Augusto Lottemberg; Cynthia Savioli; Mariana Yumi Takahashi Puerta & José Tadeu Tesseroli de Siqueira
Dental Age Estimation Using the Demirjian’s Method in Children 5 to 15 Years of Age in Curicó, Chile
Iris Cadenas R.; César Celis C.; Alejandro Hidalgo R.; Alejandro Schilling Q. & Jaime San Pedro V.
Sonic Versus Ultrasonic Activation of 10% EDTA for Smear Layer Removal in the Root Canal Apical Third
Valeria Isabel Pérez De Arce Carrasco; Pamela Arlenne Rodríguez Olivares & Diego Echeverri Caballero
The Expression of Nitric Oxide in the Gingival Tissue in Subjects with Periodontitis and Chronic Pain
Gisele M. C. Fabri; Paula Sannomiya; Carla M. Prado; Edna A. Leick-Maldonado; Silvia Regina D. T. de Siqueira; Iolanda F. C. Tibério; Elnara M. Negri; Luciana Bizeto; José Walber M. Cruz & José Tadeu Siqueira
Effects of Manual Toothbrushing on Gingival Recession in an Adult Population Sample in South of Chile
Víctor Beltrán; Manuel de La Roza G.; Mario Wilckens; Ramón Fuentes; Marisel Padilla; Elena Aillapan; Pablo Navarro & Mario Cantín
Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy with L inverted Osteosynthesis. A Mechanical Study with Photoelasticity
Valdir Cabral Andrade; Leonardo Flores Luthi; Fabio Loureiro Sato; Federico Felipe Nascimento; Sergio Olate & Jose Ricardo Albergaria-Barbosa
Bone Substitutes used in Dentistry
Ana Cláudia Rossi; Alexandre Rodrigues Freire; Felippe Bevilacqua Prado & Paulo Henrique Ferreira Caria
Rehabilitation of Anterior Teeth with Ceramic Lithium Disilicate System
Rolando Ignácio Figueroa; Fernando Goulart Cruz; Rodrigo Furtado de Carvalho; Fabíola Pessoa Pereira Leite & Maria das Graças Afonso de Miranda Chaves
Impact of Oral Health in Children with Child Abuse: A Case Report
Alejandra Requena Mendoza; Norma Leticia Robles Bermeo & Edith Lara Carrillo
Clinical Approach of Permanent Maxillary Incisor with Complicated Crown-root Fracture Through Intentional Replantation
Obesity and Dental Caries Public Health Problems in a School Population
María del Pilar Adriano Anaya; Tomás Caudillo Joya; María Lilia Adriana Juárez López & Pilar Alejandra Caudillo Adriano
Related Factors to the Use of Oral Health Services Amongst Population Aged 6 to 15 Years in Colombia
Andrés A. Agudelo-Suárez; Johan Sebastián Pérez-Escobar & Eliana Martínez-Herrera
Frequency and Location of Referred Pain in Patients with Temporomandibular Disorder
Monique Lalue Sanches; Yara Juliano; Neil Ferreira Novo; Carmen Paz Santibañez Hoyuela; Vera Lucia Mestre Rosa; Antonio Sérgio Guimarães; Liete Figueiredo Zwir & Eduardo Cotecchia Ribeiro