Diana Maria Barbosa Lis; Oscar Zapata Noreña; Alvaro Carvajal; Celba Maria Franco; Sara Astrid Rodriguez Aguirre; Alvaro Andres Florez Pino & Mariluz Restrepo


This descriptive study assessed the clinical static results of the treatment finished in the orthodontic graduate clinics of the University of Antioquia during the years 2010-2011, and its relationships with initial malocclusion complexity and some administrative factors. The records and complete medical histories of the patients were reviewed to determine the degree of initial malocclusion commitment and the final panoramic radiography and plasters were evaluated applying the Objective Grading System (OGS) proposed by the American Board of Orthodontic (ABO). Of 99 patients who completed treatment, 40 met the inclusion criteria. 80% of patients, who completed treatment, started with committed or highly committed malocclusion. The ABO OGS score found an average of 31.7 (±8.5) and 50% of the cases approved OGS criteria. The duration of treatment (55±22.25 months) and the average number of appointments to complete treatment (37.3±11.4) increased with the complexity of the initial malocclusion. The degree of initial malocclusion had statistically significant relationship with OGS scores (p=0.018), while other administrative and clinical variables did not affect the results. The final values of OGS found are not ideal and are affected by the complexity of the initial malocclusion.

KEY WORDS: quality control, outcome assessment, malocclusion, index of orthodontic treatment need.

How to cite this article

BARBOSA, L. D.; . D.; ZAPATA, N. O.; CARVAJAL, A.; FRANCO, C. M.; RODRIGUEZ, A. S. A.; FLOREZ, P. A. A. & RESTREPO, M. Outcome of orthodontic treatments and its relationship to malocclusion complexity. Int. J. Odontostomat., 8(2):201-206, 2014.