Daniel Aracena; Pablo Betancourt; Eduardo Borie; Mario Guzmán & Ramón Fuentes


Variations in the root canal’s anatomy play an important role on endodontic therapy success, primarily in teeth with pulp necrosis. Traditionally, the preparation of root canals was performed with the use of stainless steel hand files; but over the years, new flexible instruments were introduced to prevent or minimize iatrogenic errors in shaping the root canal system. In most of recent publications, alternating rotation movements have been proposed as an alternative to continuous rotation in order to reduce the risk of fracture of the instrument and the root canal deformation. The aim of this article was to report a clinical case describing the simple way to perform the endodontic treatment of a maxillary premolar with three root canals, with the WaveOne reciprocating system.

KEY WORDS: endodontics, root canal obturation, nickel-titanium, reciprocating movement, WaveOne.

How to cite this article

ARACENA, D.; BETANCOURT, P.; BORIE, E.; GUZMÁN, M. & FUENTES, R. WaveOne: a simple and safe way to perform an endodontic treatment. Int. J. Odontostomat., 8(2):207-210, 2014.