Jorge Fuentes; Mónica Silva & Stefano Llermaly


The evaluation process is very helpful to improve student education and their subsequent performance in the work environment. The diversity of the educational reality and the quality of education, among other factors, make necessary an improvement in the graduate competences measuring system, ensuring a well trained professional with proper skills in the field. Assessing the quality of education of graduates, through a national exam is only a recent practice in Chile; however, there is an international experience. This review intends to provide information of the exams that various countries apply to measure skills and knowledge, their characteristics, as well as policies and organizations regulating their implementation. It also describes the experience of implementing a national exam in the health services area in Chile, as is the case for medicine and nursing.

KEY WORDS: National exam, competency exam, dentistry.

How to cite this article

FUENTES, J.; SILVA, M. & LLERMALY, S. Examen nacional de odontología. Revisión bibliográfica de instrumentos. Int. J. Odontostomat., 8(1):125-131, 2014.