Scarlette Hernández Vigueras; Luis Salazar Navarrete; Ricardo Pérez Tomás; Juan José Segura Egea; Miguel Viñas & José López-López


Endodontic infection is an infection of the root canal system and undoubtedly is the main etiological agent of apical periodontitis. In recent years, research has aimed to associate the presence of virus and endodontic bacterial pathogens in the different types of endodontic disease. The most common viruses that have been researched and associated are members of the herpesvirus family, which are mainly present in periapical pathologies. Furthermore, research has been carried out relating their presence to pathologies with important symptoms, or those where radiographic imaging shows extensive apical bone reabsorption. The role of viruses in apical lesions of endodontic origin are still unclear, it hypothesizes the cumulative effect with bacteria, in addition to possible local immunosuppression that favors the growth and the effect of bacteria.

KEY WORDS: Herpes virus, human papillomavirus, human cytomegalovirus, Epstein-barr virus, apical periodontitis, endodontic infection, endodontic.

How to cite this article

HERNÁNDEZ-VIGUERAS, S.; SALAZAR, N. L.; PÉREZ-TOMÁS R.; SEGURA-EGEA, J. J; VIÑAS, M.; LÓPEZ-LÓPEZ, J. Viruses in endodontics. Int. J. Odontostomat., 8(2):211-214, 2014.