Verónica Olate; Gabriela Olate; Bárbara Cártes & Sergio Olate


Dental emergencies in ambulatory system included multiple oral and maxillofacial diseases with sudden onset and different etiologies; acute pain and related conditions are associated to spontaneous admission. The aim of this research was to know the evolution of the dental emergency in the public health system related to “Primary Health Attention” (HPA) between 2009 to 2013. A retrospective research was carried out on admissions between 2009 and 2013; the information was obtained from the statistical register of “Servicio de Salud Araucanía Sur”; the data was studied by descriptive statistic with Microsoft Excel software. The results showed a tendency to decrease the consultation by dental emergency in the GES group and the No-GES group; priority groups continue to use dental emergency services and the pregnant group showed an increase in dental emergency consult during the last few years; from the total amount of consults a reduction of approximately 25,000 was observed from 2009 to 2013 with lesser variations in the 2010 and 2011 period. It is concluded that there is a tendency of fewer GES and No-GES consultations in the analyzed population and it is necessary to understand the condition of priority groups in the dental emergency.

KEY WORDS: dental emergency, health politic, primary attention.

How to cite this article

OLATE, V.; OLATE, G.; CÁRTES, B.; OLATE, S. Dental emergencies in the Cautín - Chile, Province between 2009 to 2013. Int. J. Odontostomat., 8(3):447-452, 2014.