Gisele Maria Campos Fabri; Cynthia Savioli & José Tadeu Tesseroli Siqueira


The aim of this research is to determine the impact of periodontal treatment on the quality of life of patients with concomitant chronic headache or facial pain and periodontal disease. Thirty-eight consecutive patients with chronic periodontal disease were divided according to the presence of chronic craniofacial pain (CFP):Study Group-with CFP and Control Group-without CFP. They were evaluated with the Clinical protocol of the Orofacial Pain Clinic, the WHOQOLbref and the McGill Pain Questionnaire. All patients received periodontal treatment. The Study Group presented worst quality of life than the Control Group. Nevertheless, the Study Group showed trend improvement in the psychological score (p=0.06) and affective descriptors at the McGill Pain Questionnaire improved (p=0.014) after periodontal treatment. There were no significant changes in quality of life from pre- to post- operatory evaluations in both groups (p>0.05). We conclued that chronic craniofacial pain sufferers presented worst score at physical and psychological domain of quality of life, however there was an improvement in their psychological state 180 days after periodontal treatment.

KEY WORDS: quality of life, periodontal disease, facial pain, headache.

How to cite this article

FABRI, G. M. C.; SAVIOLI, C. & SIQUEIRA, J. T. T. Periodontal treatment and quality of life of chronic facial pain patients. Int. J. Odontostomat., 8(2):247-252, 2014.