Héctor Monardes Cortés; Jaime Abarca Reveco & Patricia Castro Hurtado


It has been proposed that one of the causes for endodontic failure is the passing of bacteria through the apical foramen, which produces an inflammatory response, either by direct action or by activating the immune system. The apical seal with gutta-percha points and sealant is what stops these bacteria from passing, but in the presence of humidity, this seal is subject to solubility and it allows bacterial leakage. The aim of this study was to compare the apical bacterial leakage that occurs after root filling using Topseal® and Tubliseal® sealers, for which an experimental study was conducted and 26 single-rooted freshly extracted teeth were selected, that were then instrumented with Protaper ® Universal until the F3 file, ending with an apical stop using a # 45 K-type file, under permanent and abundant irrigation with 5% sodium hypochlorite. The teeth were randomly divided into two groups that were filled by Lateral Condensation and Topseal®, G1 (n=12, and Tubliseal®, G2 (n=12) sealers. The external surface of the roots was covered with nail polish except the apical 2 mm and mounted in a dual chamber device for bacterial filtration, leaving the apexes immersed in bile esculin agar broth with Enterococcus faecalis obtained from clinical specimens. They were incubated at 37°C for 10 weeks and bacterial filtration was determined by the appearance of turbidity in the medium of the chamber with sterile broth. The elapsed days were measured to verify the presence of bacterial growth and the number of positive specimens, values that were recorded and analyzed using the X2 test statistic. The samples filled using Topseal® had higher bacterial filtration (66.64%) than the ones filled using Tubliseal® (58.31%), showing no significant difference (X2 =0.16), showing both high levels of apical filtration.

KEY WORDS: apical seal, apical leakage, lateral condensation, root canal sealer.

How to cite this article

MONARDES, C. H.; ABARCA, R. J. & CASTRO, H. P. Apical microfiltration of two cement sealers. An in vitro study. Int. J. Odontostomat., 8(3):393-398, 2014.