Cynthia Rodríguez-Niklitschek & Gonzalo H. Oporto V.


Endodontics is a dentistry specialty concerned with the study of root canal morphology and physiology, besides treating pathologies affecting root canal system and periapical region. Determining working length is one of the most important stages of endodontic therapy. Inaccuracies in this process may contribute to occurrence of accidents and postoperative pain. This literature review develops the importance of studying dental anatomy applied to endodontics, as well as the importance of performing research in this field in diverse populations worldwide, and discuss the main techniques to determine working length. Limits of root canal preparation and obturation are given by working length. This limit is the apical constriction. Several methods have been used to determine this, where apex locators are the most reliable tool, it is however, necessary to know root canal system morphology in this process. Referential teeth root lengths used nowadays in endodontics were published by Ingle & Bakland. There are no studies determining if teeth length in South American population, are in agreement with Ingle´s data, nor is there any research determining working length with apex locators. In order to achieve a successful endodontic therapy it is necessary to know teeth root morphology as well as root canals systems anatomy. It is expected to discover differences between classical dental anatomical descriptions and dental morphology of specific populations. There is a need to determine root canal system parameters of normality in populations worldwide.

KEY WORDS: endodontics, root canal therapy, dental pulp cavity, tooth root, tooth apex.

How to cite this article

RODRÍGUEZ-NIKLITSCHEK, C. & OPORTO, V. G. H. Working length determination in endodontics. Clinical issues of dental root and root canal systems morphology. Int. J. Odontostomat., 8(2):177-183, 2014.