Maria Augusta Portella Guedes Visconti; Rafael Binato Junqueira; Francielle Silvestre Verner; AbĂ­lio Augusto Sobrinho Rodrigues; Karina Lopes Devito & Renato Francisco Visconti Filho


The dentigerous cyst is one of the most frequently found in the jaws. They present themselves radiographically as radiolucent images and more commonly unilocular. They are usually observed at routine checkups or when investigating the presence of unerupted teeth. The dentigerous cyst occurs mainly in the first three decades of life, their growth is slow and asymptomatic. The third molars, as well as supernumerary teeth may be involved with the formation of a dentigerous cyst, but its pathogenesis is still not fully known. Decompression, marsupialization and enucleation are the main forms of treatment, but some criteria must be considered for the treatment plan, such as cyst size, age, proximity to noble anatomical structures and clinical importance of the tooth involved. In order to establish a correct diagnosis and treatment plan is essential to make use of complementary exams and now a days the cone beam computed tomography is the most complete and accurate method in diagnostic imaging used in these situations. Therefore, the aim of this study was to highlight, through the presentation of a clinical case, the importance of cone beam computed tomography in the diagnosis and treatment planning of a dentigerous cyst.

KEY WORDS: dentigerous cyst, diagnosis, three-dimensional imaging.

How to cite this article

VISCONTI, M. A. P. G.; JUNQUEIRA, R. B.; VERNER, F. S.; RODRIGUES, A. A. S.; DEVITO, K. L. & VISCONTI FILHO, R. F. Cone-Beam computed tomography as complementary tool in diagnosis and surgical planning of dentigerous cyst: Case report. Int. J. Odontostomat., 8(1):85-91, 2014.