Sarita Angelita Delgado Valladares & Angel Steven Asmat Abanto


The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of treatment with linear accelerator on salivary flow in patients with head and neck cancer. The study had a pre-experimental design and was developed at the Radiotherapy Centre Es Salud La Esperanza (Trujillo, Peru). The sample consisted of 20 patients, between 30 and 69 years, who met the eligibility criteria. Salivary flow was collected before receiving therapy and a week later, by expectoration and evaluated through sialometry. Statistical analysis was performed using Student 's t test for comparison of means with p < 0.005. Linear accelerator treatment decreased salivary flow in patients with head and neck cancer (p = 0.000). In men, the radiation decreases salivary flow (p=0.008), while in women there was no evidence of significant salivary flow decrease (p=0.0636), also, there is no difference with respect to variation in salivary flow between men and women (p=0.122). Linear accelerator treatment decreased salivary flow in patients with head and neck cancer, without sex differences.

KEY WORDS: radiation, salivary flow, head and neck cancer.

How to cite this article

DELGADO, V. S. A. & ASMAT, A. A. S. Effect of treatment with linear accelerator on salivary flow in patients with head and neck cancer. Int. J. Odontostomat., 8(2):241-245, 2014