Table of Contents
• • Issue 2018

Giant Cell Fibroma in Older Infant. A Case Report
Francisco Villavicencio Ventura; Jesús Luengo Fereira; Martha Hernández Montoya; Edgar Reyes Méndez; Obed Lemus Rojero & Heraclio Reyes Rivas
Repercussions of the use of Mandibular Advancement Devices as Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in the Temporomandibular Complex. Narrative Review
Valenzuela-Chaigneau, Francisco; Field-Seisdedos, Camila; Ugarte-Sánchez, Fernando; Gracia-Abuter, Benjamín
Antibacterial Effect of Oregano Infusion (Origanum vulgare) on in Vitro Growth of Streptococcus mutans, 2015
Williams-Beuren Syndrome: What Orthodontists Need to Know
Mariana Gonzaga Erthal Ribeiro; Giordani Santos Silveira; Vítor Francesconi Rodrigues; Mariele Cristina Garcia Pantuzo & Dauro Douglas Oliveira
Maxillary Osteomyelitis by Actinomyces in a Child
Neto, Nicolau Conte; Carvalho, Waldner Ricardo Souza de; Conceição, Salete Martins Lima; Silva, Lucas Martins de Castro e; Vieira, Eduardo Hochuli
Evaluation of Maxillary Sinus Septa Prior to Dental Implant Therapy: A Cone Beam Computed Tomography Study
Maria Augusta Portella Guedes Visconti; Liana Matos Ferreira; Rodrigo Freire Prado; Saulo Leonardo Sousa Melo; Francielle Silvestre Verner & Francisco Haiter-Neto
Patient Intraoperatory Perception About Endodontic Access Cavity Preparation
Paris, Leslie; Figueroa, Daniela; Alcántara, Raúl; Lagos, Germán; Muñoz, Francisca
Arterial Embolization in the Treatment of Severe Epistaxis: A Case Report
Ferdinando de Conto; Simone Siqueira; Jaqueline Colaço; Leonardo Tonietto; Rafael D’Agostini Annes & José Ricardo Vanzin
Clinical Control of Patients Treated with an Immediately Loaded Implant-Supported Prosthesis. A Systematic Review
Botulinum Toxin for the Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders
Natalia Alvarez-Pinzon; Eder Alberto Sigua-Rodriguez; Douglas Rangel Goulart; Sergio Olate; Gustavo Jacobucci Farah & Liogi Iwaki Filho
Interleukin-6 and Interferon-α Levels in Gingival Crevicular Fluid in HIV-1 Patients with Chronic Periodontitis
Sílvio Augusto Fernandes de Menezes; Vera Cavalcente de Araújo; Marcelo Henrique Napimoga; Tatiany Oliveira de Alencar Menezes; Brenna Magdalena Lima Nogueira; Ricardo Roberto de Souza Fonseca & Elizabeth Fernandes Martinez
Resin-based Surface Sealants: Potential to Prevent Exogenous Staining
Pablo Angel Aguirre; Andrea Gallegos Fauré; Cristian Bersezio Miranda; Juan Estay Larenas & Roque Arias Fredes
Epidemiological Aspects of Cranioencephalic Trauma at Cuiabá Municipal Hospital, Brazil
Vasconcelos, Artur Cunha; Dias, Jane Capistrano; Wippel, Marise Plegge Ristow; Vieira, Walbert de Andrade; Meneses, Ismário Silva de; Ribeiro, Maria Amália Gonzaga; Paranhos, Luiz Renato
Oral Health Status of Hospitalized Pregnant Women Users of the Pregnancy Ges Program in Chile Compared to not Users: A Cross Sectional Study
San Martín H. V.; Wiliams, D. C.; Tsukame, K. Y.; Carstens, A. M.; Coloma, O. M. C.; Lorenzo, V. M. & Arenas, V. G.
COX-2 Inhibitors in Dental Pain Management
Fatima Erendida Del Muro Casas; Karina Gómez Coronado; Nelly Alejandra Rodríguez Guajardo; Manuel Varela-Parga; Jesús Alberto Luengo Ferreira & Juan Carlos Medrano Rodríguez
In vitro Study of the Antibacterial Effect of Oleoresin of Copaifera reticulata and the Essential Oil of Origanum majoricum against Streptococcus mutans and Enterococcus faecalis Bacteria of Importance in Oral Pathologies
Hilda Moromi Nakata; Donald Ramos Perfecto; Jorge Villavicencio Gastelumendi; Elba Martínez Cadillo; Alejandro Mendoza Rojas; Edith Chavez Alvarado; Lita Ortiz Fernández & Ángela Quispe Salcedo
Music Distraction Effectiveness in Dental Anxiety and Treatment Adherence in 6-Year-Old Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Rojas-Alcayaga, Gonzalo A.; Alfaro, Karen; Ríos-Erazo, Matías; Herrera, Andrea C.; Barahona, Pilar
Peripheral Developing Odontoma or Peripheral Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontoma Erupting to Oral Cavity Case Report
Impact of Folic Acid on the Incidence of Cleft Lip and Palate of the Western Population of the Metropolitan Region, Chile
Camila Jara P.; Rodrigo Soto R.; Consuelo Tello T. & Benjamín Martínez R.
Buccal Fat Pad Indications as a Flap and Autologous Graft in Maxillofacial Surgery. Narrative Review
Jack Altschiller Mardones; Alfredo Noguera Pantoja; Tamara Muñoz Zavala; Penelhope Pooley Donoso & Pedro Solé Ventura
An Epidemiological Approach to Oral Pathologies from a Radiology Perspective
Barrientos-Sánchez, Silvia; Velosa-Porras, Juliana; Rodríguez-Ciódaro, Adriana
Toothbleaching with over the Counter Mouthwashes Containing Hydrogen Peroxide
Central Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma: Clinical Imaging and Histopathological Diagnosis
Ana Márcia Viana Wanzeler; Daiane Rohden; Nádia Assein Arús; Heraldo Luis Dias Silveira & Laura Campos Hildebrand
Evaluation of the Accuracy of Conventional and Digital Methods of Obtaining Dental Impressions
Thaise Ferreira Carvalho; Jozely Francisca Mello Lima; Jefferson David Melo de Matos; Guilherme da Rocha Scalzer Lopes; John Eversong Lucena de Vasconcelos; Lucas Villaça Zogheib & Daniel Sartorelli Marques de Castro
Salivary Biomarkers in Patients Diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, Concepción, 2016
Gaete-O, Fernanda; Astudillo-R, Edgardo; Rojas-E, Bastián; Narváez-Carrasco, Carmen
Incidental Discovery of Acinic Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Mucosa with Metachronous Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Upper Lip
Ana Luiza Dias Leite de Andrade; Hugo Costa Neto; Andréia Ferreira do Carmo; Edilmar de Moura Santos; Adriano Rocha Germano & Hébel Cavalcanti Galvão
Sociodemographic and Clinic Characteristics of the Patients Threatened at First Time for Squamous Cell Oral Cancer. Medellín, Colombia
Adriana Posada-López; Marta Aída Palacio-Correa & Andrés A. Agudelo-Suárez
Histopathological Analysis of Sealant Infiltration in White Spot Enamel Lesions (WSEL)
Dentistry and Ethics: Oversupply and Overtherapy
Efficacy of Preemptive Analgesia with Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (Nsaids) in Third Molar Surgery. Literature Review
Ulises Carballosa F.; Gerardo Aguilar Z.; Cristobal Pacheco M. & Liberto Figueroa C.
Safety and Radiological Protection in Dental Imaging Procedures
Prevalence of Bruxism and Associated Temporomandibular Disorders in a Population of School Children of San Luis Potosí, México
Emilio R. Rodríguez Robledo; Ricardo Martínez Rider; Ma. Del Socorro Ruiz Rodríguez; Raúl Márquez Preciado; J. Arturo Garrocho Rangel; Amaury de Jesús Pozos Guillén & Miguel Ángel Rosales Berber
Hemodynamic Behavior in Third Molar Surgeries Using Lidocaine or Articaine
Stella, Paulo Eduardo Melo; Falci, Saulo Gabriel Moreira; Coelho, Valéria Silveira; dos-Santos, Cássio Roberto Rocha
Bioresorbable Bioactive Osteosynthesys (Hidroxiapatite / Poly L-lactide) in Le Fort I Segmented Osteotomy
Sergio Olate; Alejandro Unibazo; Francisca Uribe; Juan Pablo Alister & Felipe Martínez
Evaluation of the Fluorescence of Composite Resins Under an Ultraviolet Light Source
Ana Larisse Carneiro Pereira; Larissa Sgarbosa de Araújo Matuda; Leonardo Gomes de Lima; João Marcos Ferreira de Lima Silva; Lorem Krsna de Morais-Sousa; Jefferson David Melo de Matos; John Eversong Lucena de Vasconcelos & Cássio Rocha Medeiros
Swallowing Patterns and Evaluation Methodology. A Review of the Literature
Priscila Chuhuaicura; Giannina Álvarez; María Florencia Lezcano; Alain Arias; Fernando Jose Dias & Ramón Fuentes
Identification of the Salivary Microbiota of Patients with Oral Cancer in Antofagasta – Chile by Molecular Diagnosis of the 16S rRNA Gene
Necroting Sialometaplasia: Review of the Literature on a Case
Radiopacity and Chemical Assessment of New Commercial Calcium Silicate-Based Cements
Corral, Camila; Negrete, Pedro; Estay, Juan; Osorio, Sylvia; Covarrubias, Cristian; Junior, Osmir B de; Barud, Hernane
Adhesion and Initial Colonization of Streptococcus mutans is Influenced by Time and Composition of Different Composites
Raquel A. B. Silva; Paulo Nelson-Filho; Katharina M. H. De Oliveira; Priscilla C. Romualdo; Patrícia Gatón-Hernandez; Carolina P. Aires & Lea A. B. Silva
Surgical Management of Multiple Condylomas in the Oral Mucosa in Patient Undergoing Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
Literature Review: Dental Aspects in Gaucher Disease
Elza Maria Carneiro Mendes Ferreira dos Santos; Vanessa de Araújo Faria & Plauto Christopher Aranha Watanabe
Application of Low Power Laser (LLLT) in Pediatric Patients: Review of the Literature in a Series of Cases
Francisco Antonio Donoso Martínez; Betty Bizcar; Catalina Sandoval & Paulo Sandoval Vidal
Skin Graft in Oral Cavity. Case Report
Evaluation of Symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorders in Orthodontic Appliance Users
Araújo, Paulo Victor da Silva; Saraiva, Wilson Moreira; Pereira, Natã Cavalcante; Vieira-Andrade, Raquel Gonçalves; Santos, Carolina Carvalho de Oliveira; Fonseca-Silva, Thiago
Spectrophotometric Comparison of Intracameral Tooth-Bleaching Sessions Using Hydrogen Peroxide, and Carbamide Peroxide at Different Concentrations
Teaching and Research in Legal Dentistry in Chile: Current Situation and Challenges
Denisse Lagos Tissie; Lidia Bravo R.; José Luis Ramos Moreno & Luis Ciocca Gómez
Evaluation of the Shear Strength of Orthodontic Bands Cemented with New Composite Using Adhesive System
Kalena Melo Maranhão; Fernanda Neves; Ana Cassia Reis; Pablo Maranhão; Joyce Gatti; Gustavo Brandão; Eliza Klautau & Dario Azevedo
Application of 3D Electromagnetic Articulography in Dentistry: Mastication and Deglutition Analysis. Protocol Report
Fuentes, Ramón; Dias, Fernando; Álvarez, Giannina; Lezcano, María Florencia; Farfán, Constanza; Astete, Nicolás; Arias, Alain
Bioluminiscence Measurement Tool and Analysis in Clinical Hand Washing Technique Applied to Dentistry
Fabiola Bustamante; Javiera Nuñez-Contreras; Manuel Arellano-Villalon; Wilma Crot; Pablo Navarro & Ramón Fuentes
Etiology of Tooth Loss in Patients Rehabilitated with Dental Implants
Guilherme da Rocha Scalzer Lopes; Jefferson David Melo de Matos; Gabriel Pfister Sarcinelli Barbosa; André Guimarães Rodrigues; Renato Sussumu Nishioka; Valdir Cabral Andrade & Selva Maria Gonçalves Guerra
Concordance Between Chronological Age and Dental Age by the Demirjian Method in Mexican Patients
Jorge Mario Ramirez Roman; Adriana Lucila Garza Ballesteros; Efigenia Moreno Terrazas; Maria de Lourdes Verdugo Barraza; Jesus Hector Lopez Zamora & Julio Carlos Garnica Palazuelos
Molecular Typing of Enterococcus faecalis from Persistent Endodontic Infections
Sánchez-Sanhueza, Gabriela; Villegas, Catherine; Ulloa, Mª Ignacia; Pineda, Carla; González-Rocha, Gerardo; Domínguez, Mariana; Bello-Toledo, Helia
Lip Print Identification: Paradigm Case Argument, Lost Opportunities and “Anomalies” for the Construction of a New Paradigm
Gabriel M. Fonseca; Carlos Ramírez-Lagos; Jorge Ortiz-Contreras & Sandra López-Lázaro
Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and their Effect in Periodontal Tissue and the Orofacial Region. A Review
Effect of Purple Corn Beverage “Chicha Morada” During Dental Bleaching. In vitro
Katherine Vilchez Fuentes Rivera; Francisco Aurelio Rumiche & Lidia Yileng Tay
Determination of Postural Attitudes and their Evolution after Functional Orthopedic Approach. Descriptive Study
Enríquez-Núñez, María Berenice; Díaz-Rosas, Cristal Yurixie; Hernández-Montoya, Martha Elena; Luengo-Fereira, Jesús Alberto; Reyes-Rivas, Heraclio
Orales Lesions in Soft Tissues of a School Population in Mexico City
Tomás Caudillo Joya; María del Pilar Adriano Anaya & Pilar Alejandra Caudillo Adriano
Clinical Protocol for Control of an Immediately Loaded Implant-Supported Prosthesis
Mandibular Fractures Comminuted by Ballistic Projectile Impact: Initial Treatment Proposal Using Alternative Fixation Method
Marcelo Mardones Muñoz; Rodrigo Bravo Ahumada; Jack Altschiller Mardones & Hernán Pérez Gutiérrez
Frequency of Lesions and Oral Conditions in Patients Older than 18 Years in a Primary Care Clinic in Mexico
Donohue-Cornejo, Alejandro; Torre-y-Morán, Alberto De la; Torre-Morán, Gerardo De la; Espinosa-Cristóbal, León Francisco; Guzmán-Gastelum, Dalia Abril; García-Calderón, Alma Graciela; Cuevas-González, Juan Carlos
Psychological Types and Learning Styles in Students of the Dental Graduation Program at Universidad de La Frontera, Chile
Jorge Fuentes-Nawrath; Stefano Llermaly-Rodríguez & Mónica Silva-Rodríguez
Uremic Stomatitis as an Oral Complication of Chronic Renal Failure: Case Report and Literature Review
Dentists and Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse in Chile: Missed Opportunities
Validation of a Questionnaire to Assess Risk of Caries in Preschool-Age Children in Santiago, Chile
Candiales, Y.; Cabello, R.; Rodríguez, G.; Marró, L.; Morales, I.; Urzúa, B.; Sánchez, J.
Mouth Deforming Habits Present in Preschoolers and School Children: Systematic Review
Microvascularized flaps in Maxillofacial Reconstruction: Advances in Microsurgery
Claudio Huentequeo-Molina; Daniel Pino Diaz; Emilio Moreno Apablaza; Juan Pablo Alister; Francisca Uribe; Alejandro Unibazo Zuñiga; Mariano Miño; Alejandro Ostrosky & Sergio Olate
Enabling Elements for the Implementation of Community Health Promoter Led Interventions: A Literature Review
Paola Olave-Müller; Natalia López-Contreras; Gabriel Cirano-Méndez; Etienne Duim & Javiera Muñoz-Mardones