Gaete-O, Fernanda; Astudillo-R, Edgardo; Rojas-E, Bastián; Narváez-Carrasco, Carmen


The dentist as an integral health professional must have knowledge of various biochemical manifestations that may have repercussions on the oral cavity. The objective of the study was to determine the biochemical manifestations and salivary biomarker alterations in the oral cavity resulting from cystic fibrosis or chronic consumption of drugs for the treatment of CF. We selected a total of five people with cystic fibrosis and four healthy people, from the city of Concepcion in the eighth region of Chile. Salivary pH, buffer capacity, total protein concentration, stimulated salivary flow rate and the presence of certain salivary enzymes were measured in patients suffering from the disease. It was observed that the salivary pH in subjects with cystic fibrosis tends to be higher than the reference values, the salivary flow rate and buffer capacity are less than normal, the total protein concentration in saliva is equal to the reference values and the presence of salivary biomarkers was determined through the electrophoresis technique. Cystic fibrosis affects those who suffer the disease in many ways, it generates changes at the salivary biomarker level, as well as in the oral cavity. The dentist must therefore, be able to identify these changes in order to treat them in the best possible approach for all types of patients.

KEY WORDS: cystic fibrosis, biomarkers, saliva, total proteins, pH, electrophoresis.

How to cite this article

GAETE, O. F.; ASTUDILLO, R. E.; ROJAS, E. B. & NARVÁEZ, C. C. Salivary biomarkers in patients diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, Concepción, 2016. Int. J. Odontostomat., 12(1):51-56, 2018.