Guilherme da Rocha Scalzer Lopes; Jefferson David Melo de Matos; Gabriel Pfister Sarcinelli Barbosa; André Guimarães Rodrigues; Renato Sussumu Nishioka; Valdir Cabral Andrade & Selva Maria Gonçalves Guerra


The aim of this study was to analyze the etiology of tooth loss in patients rehabilitated with dental implants. Was conducted a cross-sectional study with data from 93 patients from a private clinic who were treated with implants from the year 2000 until 2009. Data were collected through medical records, radiographic documentation and photographs of clinical cases. Data on sex, age, education level, smoking habits, teeth loss localization and extraction ratio were analyzed. The results showed that periodontal disease was the main reason for tooth loss, accounting for 24.7 %, followed by root fractures with posts (23.7 %) and secondary caries (15.1 %). In patients below 40 years, dental trauma and root fractures were responsible for most of the losses. The reasons for tooth loss showed statistical significance with the age (p<0.05). Sex, smoking habits and education showed no significant association (p>0.05) with the reasons of the tooth loss.

KEY WORDS: etiology, dental implants,tooth loss.

How to cite this article

LOPES, G. R. S.; MATOS, J. D. M.; BARBOSA, G. P. S.; RODRIGUES, A. G.; NISHIOKA, R. S.; ANDRADE, V. C. & GUERRA, S. M. G. Etiology of tooth loss in patients rehabilitated with dental implants. Int. J. Odontostomat., 12 (3):280-286, 2018.