Table of Contents
2021 • Volume 15 • Issue 2

Stress and Bruxism Due to COVID-19 as Risk Factors in Periodontal Disease
Oral Alterations in a COVID-19 Patient: Case Report and Update of Main Findings
Amanda Claudino Gomes; Diogo da Silva Ferreira; Michelly de Melo Silva; Caio César da Silva Barros; Nicássio Silva Menezes & Hellen Bandeira de Pontes Santos
Potential Affection of the Salivary Glands in Infection By SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
Wind Instrument Musicians in the Context of COVID-19. Observations and Recommendations
Control of Aerosol Generation and Care Against SARS-CoV-2 in Dental Offices
Alexandra Portugal Infantas; Britto Ebert Falcón Guerrero & Gladys Karina Portugal Motocanche
The Potential Role of Periodontitis on the Severity of COVID-19. A Review
Impact to the Accreditation Processes of the Dental Specialty Programmes of the La Frontera University – Chile
Antimicrobial Activity of Bioceramic Root Canal Sealers: A Systematic Review
Evaluation of tensile strength after insertions andremovals of abutments on frictional Morse taper implants
Jader Moreira da Silva; Brenda Santos Sobral; Carolina Takis Cabral; Cíntia de Melo Silva Souza; Ricardo Roberto de Souza Fonseca & Juliana Cama Ramacciato
Mandibular Fractures Comminuted by Ballistic Projectile Impact: Clinical Results of Treatment with Alternative Fixation Method
Marcelo Mardones M.; Coral Torres M.; Renato Gunckel M. & Rodrigo Bravo A.
Dimensional Changes in Bartee and Bio-col Ridge Preservation Technique Using Xenograft InterOss®
Melanie Karoly Elizalde Mota; Cindy Hernández Romero; Valeria Magali Rocha Rocha & Veronica Anuette Mayoral García
Identification of Fraudulent Scientific Journals
Elemental Analysis of the Morphological, Physical and Chemical Properties of Two Protaper Universal Rotary Instruments
José Roberto Gutiérrez-Camacho; Norma Verónica Zavala-Alonso; Carlos Bermúdez-Jiménez; Luis Alejandro Aguilera-Galaviz; Margarita de la Luz Martínez-Fierro; Víctor Baltazar-Hernández & Cesar Gaitán-Fonseca
Mandibular Positions of Clinical Reference. Narrative description
Registration Methods of Occlusal Vertical Dimension in Dentate Patients: Systematic Review
Olivia Alatorre Castorena; José Velasco Neri; Verónica Manteca López; Daniel Llamas Haro & Andréa Dolores Correia Miranda Valdivia
Orthodontic Records Helping to Identify A Victim of Execution
Adriana de Moraes Correia; Phillipe Nogueira Barbosa Alencar; Maria Luiza Sousa Sobrinho; Rhonan Ferreira Silva; Fábio Wildson Gurgel Costa & Tácio Pinheiro Bezerra
Prevalence of Lip and Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Scc) at a Pathological Anatomy Service in Northeast Brazil
Rebeca Sá Leitão de Sousa Freitas; Acsa Carlos Maia; Rodrigo Rodrigues Rodrigues; Larissa Santos Amaral Rolim; Lélia Batista de Souza & Pedro Paulo de Andrade Santos
Evaluation of Dental Enamel Mass in Prolonged Supervised Dental Bleaching Protocol with Calcium-Containing Gel
Heitor Sales de Barros Santos; Mara Eliane Soares Ribeiro; Taíse Sousa Pamplona da Silva; Rafael Rodrigues Lima; Sandro Cordeiro Loretto & Mário Honorato da Silva e Souza Júnior
Effect of Materials For Interim Restoration on Estimation of Working Length Using Electronic Apex Locator: in vitro Study
Evaluation of The Cleaning Protocol of Post Space on Bond Strength of Glass Fiber Posts
Tauana Rezende Lopes Macário; Rodrigo Furtado de Carvalho; Pâmella Buenos Aires Domingues; Belizane das Graças Oliveira Maia; Caroline Cotes Marinho; Aline Serrado de Pinho Barcellos & Rafael Binato Junqueira
Malpractice Claims at Different Stages of Treatment In Oral Implantology: A Review
Evaluation of a Protocol For Topical Application of Capsaicine Gel 0.025 % in the Management of Burning Mouth Syndrome Correlating its Impact on Quality of Life
Carla Militão Ricken; Silvia Natalia Souza de Péder; Daniela Suemi Kamikawa; Neli Pieralisi; Mariliani Chicarelli & Elen de Souza Tolentino
Bacterial Plate Index, Gingival Index, and Silometry Testing in Patients With Primary and Secondary Sjögren’s Syndrome
Silvia Arely Triana-Reyes; Gloria Martínez-Sandoval; Norma Idalia Rodríguez-Franco; María Gabriela Chapa-Arizpe; Jesús Israel Rodríguez-Pulido; Gustavo Israel Martínez-González & Janett Riega-Torres
Background to the Initial Accreditation Processes For Dental Post-Graduate Programmes at Universidad de La Frontera – Chile
Orthodontic Retainers and Their Effect On Periodontal Health. Literature Review
Cortínez Lira Cristine; Figueroa Salinas Macarena; Chamorro Pino Susana; Zafe Bastías Fadua & Gallardo Sanzana Valentina
Effectiveness and Legitimacy of the Motivational Interviewing With Caregivers on the Oral Health of Special Patients
Jéssica Silva Peixoto Bem; Deyse Camilla Gomes dos Santos; Maria Goretti de Lima; Lidiane Jacinto do Nascimento; Samuel Rodrigo de Andrade Veras; Bruna Yasmin de Brito Silva & Verônica Maria da Rocha Kozmhinsky
Apical Sealing Efficacy of the Bioceramic Cements Bio Root and MTA Fillapex: An ex vivo Study
Daniel Aracena; Luis Bustos; Angella Aracena; Paula Alvarez & Scarlette Hernández-Vigueras
Treatment of Serious Occlusal Instability Associated with Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs) Through Implant and Dynamic Occlusal Schemes Rehabilitation. A Case Report
Gabriela Molina; Alejandro Signorio; Roberto Hernandez; Gilberto Salazar & César Coronado Gallardo
Self-Perception of the Effects in the Use of Dentifrices With Clarifying Proposal
Ana Paula Gurgel Silva; Lucas Akccyl Albuquerque Alves; Maria Arianny Costa Tavares & Diala Aretha De Sousa Feitosa
Root Resection in Molars: Clinical Evaluation for 10 Years
Márcio Eduardo Vieira Falabella; Raylla Jennifer Silva de Souza; Amanda Hastenreiter Costa Dornelas; Antônio Dimas Duarte Vieira & Leo Guimarães Soares
Facial Trauma Prevalence from Traffic Accidents in the City of Cuenca – Ecuador, 2017
Impact of Sociodemographic and Oral Conditions on Oral Health Related Quality of Life in Preschool Children From Temuco, Chile
Núñez-Contreras, Javiera; Hofer-Durán, Paulina; Sinsay-Schmeisser, Javiera & Zaror, Carlos
Expiration Date Effect on Mechanical and Chemical Properties of Glass Ionomer Cements
V. Zavala-Alonso; R. Jerónimo-Prieto; J. Ramírez-González; G. Romo-Ramírez; M. Goldaracena-Azuara & C. Ochoa-Monreal
Odontogenic Keratocyst: Eight-Year Follow-Up After Conservative Treatment
Daiana Cristina Pereira Santana; Juliana Jorge Garcia; Liliane Elze Falcão Lins Kusterer; Sandra de Cássia Santana Sardinha & Weber Ceo Cavalcante
Cooperation During Orthodontic Treatment of Patients with I Phase and Phase Orthodontic Treatment
Methods For Assessing Aesthetic Damage Caused By Facial Scars
Local Flaps in Facial Reconstruction. Treatment Alternatives
Claudio Huentequeo M.; Saul Siso C.; Alejandro Unibazo Z.; Daniel Pino D.; Juan Pablo Alister H.; Cristopher Mayer O. & Sergio Olate