Marcelo Mardones M.; Coral Torres M.; Renato Gunckel M. & Rodrigo Bravo A.


Comminuted mandibular fractures from ballistic missile impact are a therapeutic challenge due to the presence of multiple bone fragments and the involvement of periosteum, muscle and mucous membrane. Their initial treatment requires emergency medical and surgical stabilization and later treatment of the fractured bone segments. External fixation with mandibular stakes makes it possible to stabilize the mandibular segments in a closed manner, thus maintaining the viability of the fragments without interrupting their blood supply. The aim of this work is to present the post-surgical results obtained in three clinical cases of patients with diagnosis of comminuted mandibularfracture by ballistic missile impact, treated by an alternative method to the conventional external fixation tutors.

KEY WORDS: Comminuted mandibular fractures, external fixation tutors, ballistic projectile.

How to cite this article

MARDONES, M. M.; TORRES, M. C.; GUNCKEL, M. R. & BRAVO, A. R. Mandibular Fractures Comminuted by Ballistic Projectile Impact: Clinical Results of Treatment with Alternative Fixation Method. Int. J. Odontostomat., 15(2):363-369, 2021.