Camila Venegas; Constanza Farfán & Ramón Fuentes
Mandibular positions are defined as the existing relation between mandibula and maxilla during its function, or it can also be defined as clinical reference positions that may be comparable with other positions or movements. A narrative description of the mandibular reference positions of greatest clinical interest was made, where some of their main characteristics were defined; (1) maximum intercuspal position, is defined by de dental anatomical determinant, it has an adequate reproduction and simple execution, (2) the mandibular postural position, it is the least stable, and it is defined by the neuromuscular physiological elements, being the result of the interaction of multiple factors related, (3) the physiological centric relation is considered the most stable position of the mandible, being easy to repeat and independent of dental contact, (4) the retruded ligamentous position, is an extreme position so it is not considered physiological, and it is determinated by the tension of the medial horizontal band of the temporomandibular ligament, (5) retruded contact position is described as the mandibular position when the first dental contacts are produced and the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is in a retruded position , it is divided into forced and non-forced, (6) the muscular contact position is a position regulated through different mechanisms that allows its stability. These positions provide a clinical reference by means of which different parameters required while diagnosing and planning treatments can be evaluated, this is why it is important for the Specialist to have specific knowledge about the characteristics that correspond to each one of them, such as its stability and reproducibility, which are fundamental at the time of its execution.
KEY WORDS: Maximum intercuspal position, mandibular postural position, muscular contact position, retruded contact position, retruded ligamentous position, physiological centric relation, vertical dimension.
How to cite this article
VENEGAS, C.; FARFÁN, C. & FUENTES, R. Mandibular Positions of Clinical Reference. Narrative description. Int. J. Odontostomat.,15(2):387-396, 2021.