Alexandra Portugal Infantas; Britto Ebert Falcón Guerrero & Gladys Karina Portugal Motocanche
During dental care, infectious aerosols are generated that increase the risk of contagion with SARSCoV-2, hence it is important to improve personal protection measures. Objective: to publicize the potential risk of the generation of infectious aerosols and the care that must be taken in the dental office. Method: a computerized search was carried out using scientific information available through databases such as PubMed and Cochrane library, with the following medical terms (MeSH): "dental aerosol transmission", "SARS-CoV-2" and "COVID-19 ". Results: aerosol control is essential to prevent airborne transmission and reduce the concentration of infectious droplets in a relatively closed environment without good ventilation. The proper use of personal protective equipment plays an important role in reducing contamination. Barrier devices have been added as a complement to these protective equipment to contain aerosols, although their massive use has not yet been validated with scientific evidence. Conclusions: this review is a global contribution to adapt to the demand for prevention against the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the care to be considered to prevent infection due to the presence of infectious aerosols in dental work.
KEY WORDS: dental, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, aerosols, transmission, infection control, personal protective equipment.
How to cite this article
PORTUGAL, I. A.; FALCÓN, G. B. E. & PORTUGAL, M. G. K. Control of aerosol generation and care against SARSCoV-2 in dental offices. Int. J. Odontostomat., 15(2):330-334, 2021