Table of Contents
• • Issue 2010

Natal Teeth, Case Report and Review
Claudia Fierro Monti; Lorena Bravo Rivera; Francisca Torres Chianale; Camila Álvarez Helle & Ma Antonieta Pérez Flores
Mandibular Canal Duplication Prevalence, Digital Panoramic Radiography Analysis
Juan Schilling Lara; Alejandro Schilling Quezada & Jaime San Pedro Valenzuela
Atypical Lesion on Soft Palate: A Curious Case
Tolentino, Elen de Souza; Baldo, Vitor de Oliveira; Dreibi, Vanessa Manzini & Chinellato, Luiz Eduardo Montenegro
Morphometric and Morphological Study of the Dental Roots of the Upper First Premolars
Facial Tissue Thickness in Chilean Cadavers with Medico-Legal Purposes
Cristopher Barriga Salazar; Daniela Zavando Matamala; Mario Cantín L. & Iván Suazo Galdames
Frecuency of Self-Exam and Level Knowledge in Patients with Respect to Oral Mucosal Lesions in Temuco, Chile
Monsalves, María José; Raposo, Araceli; Aravena, Paola & Sanhueza, Antonio
Evaluation of Food Retention in Occlusal Surfaces of First Primary Molars
Meneghel, L. L.; Fernandes, K. B. P.; Lara, S. M. H.; Ferelle, A.; Sturion, L. & Walter, L. R. F.
Elongated Styloid Process: Diagnostic Criteria and Differential Diagnosis. A Case Review
Superior Head of the Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Inserting in Asymptomatic Temporomandibular Joints
Open Access in Chilean Dentistry Journals
Evaluation of Different Post Systems: Finite Element Method
Manipulation of the Oclusal Plane in Orthognathic Surgery: Facial Considerations
Nanodentistry: the Future of Dentistry Based on Nanotechnology Systems
Recommendations for the Selection of Metal-free Ceramic Material, According to the Location of the Restoration in the Arcade
Agreement Evaluation of a Newly Proposed System for Malocclusion Classification
Coffin Appliance: Study of 2 Different Types of Metal Alloys
Epidemiology and Treatment of Acute Pericoronitis at Barros Luco Trudeau Hospital, Santiago, Chile
Constanza Muñoz Smitmans; Yessenia Inostroza Alarcón; Jorge Moreno & Christian Díaz Condal
Use of Laser Therapy in Pain Control in Orthodontics
Holmberg, Fernando; Muñoz, Jaime; Holmberg, Felipe; Cordova, Pedro & Sandoval, Paulo
Evaluation of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment Training Courses, Dental School, Universidad de Concepción, 2007 – 2008
Cecilia Cantero-Fuentealba; Alex Bustos-Leal; Ricardo Cartes-Velásquez; Oswaldo Ruiz-Medina & J. E. Frencken
Association Between Clinical Signs Bruxism, Anxiety and Masseteric Electromyographic Activity using the Bite Strip® Device in Adolescents in the Last Year of High School
Reflections about Adhesive Systems
De Freitas, Borges Marciano; Diesel, Gutheil Pâmela; Corrêa, Gomez Fernanda; Bernardi, Eledana; Fernandes, Montagner Anelise; Skupien, Jovito Adiel & Susin, Alexandre Henrique
Comparative Study: Oral Pathologies Prevalence in Pediatric Oncology Patients 1997 – 2007
Rodriguez, M.; Manriquez, X.; Rojas, I. G.; Fernandez, E.; Bretahuer, U. & Sepúlveda, E.
Pre-Radiotherapy Dental Evaluation Criteria and Treatment Needs of Oral Side Effects after Head and Neck Radiotherapy
Wilfredo Alejandro González-Arriagada; Alan Roger Santos-Silva; Marco Aurélio Carvalho de Andrad; Rogério de Andrade Elias & Marcio Ajudarte Lopes
Mesiodistal Width in Temporary Molars of Chilean Children of Concepción and his Correlation with Standard Preformed Steel Crowns
Torres, Chianale María Francisa; Bravo, Rivera Lucía Lorena; Fierro, Monti Claudia & Pérez, Flores María Antonieta
Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis in an Adult Patient Using an Orthodontic Appliance
Oral Health Condition in Overweight Preschoolers Concepción, Chile
Lorena Bravo Rivera; Francisca Torres Chianale; Claudia Fierro Monti & María Antonieta Pérez Flores
Orofacial Characteristics in Relation to the Need of Orthodontic Treatments in Children
Sandoval, Vidal Paulo; Ceballos, Casanova Mónica; Acevedo, Atala Claudia & Jans, Muñoz Alejandra
Gustatory Sensory Perception: a Review
Aler Fuentes; María Javiera Fresno; Hugo Santander; Saúl Valenzuela; Mario Felipe Gutiérrez & Rodolfo Miralles
Orthodontic Forces Causing Damage the Pulpal Condition. Report of Two Cases
Malocclusions and its Psychosocial Impact in Intercultural High-School Students
Effect of Inmersion Desinfection with 0.5% Sodium Hypochlorite and 2% Glutaraldehyde on Alginate and Silicone: Microbiology and SEM Study
Histological and Histochemical Evaluation of Collagen and Elastic Fibers in Human TMJ Tissue
Rocío Oyanguren Figueroa; Rosa Wurgaft Dreiman & María Angélica Montenegro Rizzardini
Periodontal Applications to Orthodontic
Holmberg, Peters Fernando; Holmberg, Peters Felipe; Holmberg, Peters Hans & Sandoval, Paulo
Von Recklinghausen’s Disease – Diagnosis from Oral Lesion. Neurofibromatosis I
Etiene de Andrade Munhoz; Camila Lopes Cardoso; Elen de Souza Tolentino; Bruna Stuchi Centurion; Eduardo Sanches Gonçales; Eduardo Sant’Ana & Izabel Regina Fischer Rubira-Bulen
Surgical Treatment of Bilateral Mandibular Transmigrated Canine
Sergio Olate; Juan Pablo Alister Herdener; José Luis Muñante-Cárdenas; Leandro Pozzer & José Ricardo de Albergaria-Barbosa
In Vitro Cytotoxicity of Latex Orthodontic Elastics
Dos Santos, Lacerda Rogério; Pithon, Melo Matheus; Martins, Otaviano Fernanda & Romanos, Villela Maria Teresa
Web Resources for the Best use of BEIC – Chile Subscriptions
A Chairside Technique to Preserve the Anatomy of the Pre-Existing Crown in Immediate Implant Provisionalization: A Case Report
Bolton Tooth Size Discrepancy and Orthodontics Finalization: Clinical Considerations
Sebaceous Epithelial Myoepithelial Carcinoma of Parotid: Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Analysis
Samar María Elena; Avila Rodolfo Esteban; Fonseca Ismael Bernardo & Ferraris Ricardo Virgilio
Relationship Between Lingual Foramen and Mental Spines, and Evaluation of Lingual Canal by Using Periapical and Extra-Oral Radiographs
Chronic Osteomyelitis of the Maxilla and Mandible: Microbiological and Clinical Aspects
Elerson Gaetti-Jardim Júnior; Francisco Isaak Nicolas Ciesielski; Ricélia Possagno; Alvimar Lima de Castro; Antonio Carlos Marqueti & Ellen Cristina Gaetti-Jardim
Cytotoxicity of Dental Alginates
Matheus Melo Pithon; Rogério Lacerda dos Santos; Fernanda Otaviano Martins & Maria Teresa Villela Romanos