Cartes-Velásquez, Ricardo
With the advent of evidence-based practices, it becomes increasingly necessary being updated with the progress that has our profession in its various areas. This means access to primary sources of this information, such as journals, which often suposse a big barrier to access due to payment policies, fortunately through an initiative of CONICYT and CINCEL, the chilean universities have access to most important journals in all areas of knowledge through the Electronic Library of Scientific Information (BEIC-Chile). The aim of this paper is to show a simple, free, web-based management for subscriptions to the journals we have in our interest, exposing the case of the platform Google Reader and the Mozilla Firefox extensions: Google Reader Watcher and FoxyProxy, for their specific use in BEIC-Chile, as well as other possible applications of these resources within the university facilities and outside them. It is necessary to know and implement the several technological tools that we have now, as well as platforms like BEIC-Chile, which allow us to deliver better quality services to our patients. KEY WORDS: evidence-based dentistry, BEIC, web resources, Mozilla Firefox, CINCEL.
How to cite this article
CARTES-VELÁSQUEZ, R. Web resources for the best use of BEIC-Chile subscriptions. Int. J. Odontostomat., 4(2):185188, 2010.