Table of Contents
2020 • Volume 14 • Issue 3

Impact of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Worldwide, Implications and Preventive Measures in Dental Practice and its Psychological Consequences on Patients
Urgency Dental Care Considerations in the Context of Coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)
Cristóbal Sepúlveda Verdugo; Alfio Secchi Álvarez & Francisca Donoso-Hofer
COVID-19 also Affects the Nervous System by One of its Gates: The Vascular Organ of Lamina Terminalis and the Olfactory Nerve. Neurological Alert, Dysosmia or Anosmia Test Can Help to A Quick Diagnosis
Jorge Eduardo Duque Parra; Daniela Duque Montoya & Félix John César Peláez
Dental Care During COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 and the Dentist’s New Role in the Health Team
COVID-19 and Dentistry: a Review of Recommendations and Perspectives for Latin America
Eder Alberto Sigua-Rodríguez; Jorge Luis Bernal-Pérez; Antonio Gabriel Lanata-Flores; Celeste Sánchez-Romero; Jaime Rodríguez-Chessa; Ziyad S. Haidar; Sergio Olate & Liogi Iwaki Filho
Decontamination Methods and Reuse of Filtering Facepiece Respirators During SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak
Detection of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) by Saliva: A Low-invasive Diagnostic Alternative
Andrés Melián Rivas; Pablo Calcumil Herrera; Camila Boin Bakit & Rolando Carrasco Soto
Dental Care for COVID-19 Positive Patients. What to do in an Emergency?
Challenges of Dentistry in the Face of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Saliva as a Bio-sample for Diagnosis SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A review
Genetic and Molecular Basis of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Mechanisms of Pathogenesis and Imnune
Preventive Measures and Considerations for Oral Surgery Practice During COVID-19
Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis with Oral Manifestation: Case Report
Ignacio Javier Molina Avila; Juan Martin Pimentel Sola; María Fernanda García Bustos; Julia Pimentel Sola; Diego Marco Jorge; Guadalupe Brunetto; Mauree Córdoba & Karina Cordero Torres
Radiographic Evaluation of the Prevalence of Stafne Bone Defect
Israel Leal Cavalcante; Hanna Isa de Oliveira Bezerra; Amanda Katarinny Goes Gonzaga; Larissa Moreira-Souza; Wilson Gustavo Cral; Patrícia Teixeira de Oliveira; Renata Cordeiro Teixeira Medeiros; Deborah Queiroz Freitas & Ana Miryam Costa de Medeiros
A Capillary Angioma of the Lips: An Extremely Rare Situation in the Oral Cavity
Intentional Reimplantation of Left Lower Second Molar as an Alternative to Extraction: A Case Report
Nilton Alves; Carlos Manuel de Oliveira Nascimento; Edmar Moya & Naira Figueiredo Deana
Osteochondroma of Mandibular Ramus and Condylar Neck: Simultaneous Resection and Reconstruccion with Personalized Alloplastic Joint Prosthesis
Gonzalo Martinovic Guzman; Andrea Paz Carmona Avendaño; Cristobal Rueda Lama & Carlos Plaza Alvarez
Influence of the Dentin on the Antibacterial Effect of 2 Concentrations of Sodium Hypochlorite in the Growth of Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212
Samantha Martínez Orosco; Solange Mendoza Rodrigo & Aurealuz Morales Guevara
Sclerotherapy of Benign Oral Vascular Lesions with Non-Diluted Ethanolamine Oleate
Portella, P. D.1; Bedra, L. B.; Perdoncini, N. N.; Amenábar, J. M. & Torres-Pereira, C. C.
Effects of Rapid Maxillary Expansion on Nasal Airflow of Patients Between 6 and 14 Years of Age, with Maxillary Compression, Measured with a Portable Nasal Flowmeter
Juan Luis Avilés Galaz; Pamela Odet Lincovil Nanco & Alex Vásquez Huerta
Prevalence and Morphology of Second Mesiobuccal Canal in Maxillary First Molars Based on Four ex vivo Techniques
Evaluation of Korkhaus Index in Chilean Adult Individuals with Normal Occlusion
Reconstruction of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve with Human Acellular Nerve Allograft in Mandibular Resection
Daniel Jeréz; Cristián Venables; Germán Laissle; Carlos Avendaño & Humberto Velásquez
Ki67 and MUC-1 Expression in Adenocarcinoma Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) of Salivary Glands: Prognostic Value
María Elena Samar Romani; Rodolfo Esteban Ávila Uliarte; Pedro Emilio García Esst; Ismael Bernardo Fonseca Acosta & Javier Elías Fernández Calderón
Relationship Between Applicant’s Profile and Academic Performance, Curricular Design Morphofunction, School of Dentistry, Universidad de La Frontera – Chile
Josefina del Pilar Contreras Arellano; Héctor Paulo Sandoval Vidal & Luis Alberto González Osorio
Knowledge on Informed Consent in Teachers, Students and Patients of the Faculty of Dentistry
Catalina Loza Rebolledo; Bernarda Salgado Miranda; Jonathan Sánchez Vergara; Fernanda Sarmiento Ibaceta & Denisse Lagos Tissie
Permanent Teeth Maturation in 3-6 Year Old Venezuelan Children: Applicability in Dental Age Estimation with Forensic Purposes
Alice Leonela Carrizo; Maira Lisbet Quevedo-Piña & Ana Isabel Ortega-Pertuz
Sports Supplement Induces Dental Structure Corrosion: An in vitro Pilot Study
Lucas Thomazotti Berard; Izabel Fernanda Machado; João Pedro dos Santos Ferreira Moreira de Pinho; Reinaldo Brito e Dias & Neide Pena Coto
Antibiotic Resistance of Enterococcus faecalis from Persistent Endodontic Infections
Natalia Seguel; Mario Quezada-Aguiluz; Gerardo González-Rocha; Helia Bello-Toledo & Gabriela Sánchez-Sanhueza
Evaluation of Coronally Advanced Flap In “L” Associated with Subepithelial Connective Tissue Graft In the Treatments of Miller’s Class I and II Gingival Recessions
Guilherme da Rocha Scalzer Lopes; Jefferson David Melo de Matos; Leonardo Jiro Nomura Nakano; Emanuelle Ambrosio Merlo; Juliana Candotti; Marco Antonio Bottino; Valdir Cabral Andrade & Cristiano Hooper Pascoal