Samantha Martínez Orosco; Solange Mendoza Rodrigo & Aurealuz Morales Guevara
This in vitro study evaluated the influence of dentin on the antibacterial effect against Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 of two concentrations of Sodium Hypochlorite NaOCl 2.5 % and 5 %. Dentin powder was used from human teeth (84 mg/ml) and the survival of the bacteria was evaluated by counting colony forming units (CFU) at 10, 30 and 60 seconds. The data were analyzed with the statistical ANOVA factorial test, finding no statistically significant differences between the groups with and without dentin. In conclusion, the dentin in this study had no inhibitory effect on antibacterial activity of Sodium Hypochlorite and any concentration, nor over time.
KEY WORDS: dentin, sodium hypochlorite, Enterococcus faecalis.
How to cite this article
MARTÍNEZ, O. S.; MENDOZA, R. S. & MORALES, G. A. Influence of the dentin on the antibacterial effect of 2 concentrations of Sodium Hypochlorite in the growth of Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212. Int. J. Odontostomat., 14(3):367-372, 2020.