María Elena Samar Romani; Rodolfo Esteban Ávila Uliarte; Pedro Emilio García Esst; Ismael Bernardo Fonseca Acosta & Javier Elías Fernández Calderón


Adenocarcinoma NOS (not otherwise specified) is a no special pattern salivary tumor briefly mentioned in the literature; its diagnosis is a challenge because structurally it is not identified with other more definite salivary carcinomas. On the other hand, Ki67 is a marker of cellular proliferation that provides prognostic information of neoplasms. As for human transmembrane mucin, MUC-1 is overexpressed in malignant neoplasms, losing their exclusively apical location. We present two cases of adenocarcinoma NOS diagnosed with H/E and correlate the expression of Ki67 and the location and over-expression of MUC-1 with its histological grade and prognosis. Histological sections of two NOS adenocarcinomas of parotid in women of 62 and 63 ages respectively were stained with H/E and immunolabelled for Ki67 and MUC-1. Both are predominated by ductal structures, some cystic, branched cell cords and solid islets. The glandular formations presented clear cells and some of oncocytic appearance. There was important cellular atypia, comedonecrosis, perineural growth, haemorrhagic areas and compromise of surgical margins. Nuclear marking with Ki67 was important; MUC-1 presented a strong staining in membranes and cytoplasms. They were diagnosed as high-grade malignancy. Our results show that there is an important proliferation marked with Ki67 and overexpression of MUC-1 associated with cellular atypia, perineural growth, necrosis and compromise of surgical margins, factors associated with a poor prognosis. The recognition of this tumor is transcendent for physicians and dentists since, due to the absence of distinctive features that other more specific carcinomas present, the diagnosis of exclusion is essential.

KEY WORDS: parotid, adenocarcinoma NOS, Ki67, MUC-1, prognosis.

How to cite this article

SAMAR, R. M. E.; ÁVILA, U. R. E.; GARCÍA, E. P. E.; FONSECA, A. I. B. & FERNÁNDEZ, C. J. E. Ki67 and MUC-1 expression in adenocarcinoma not otherwise specified (NOS) of salivary glands: prognostic value. Int. J. Odontostomat., 14(3):407-416, 2020.