Preventive Measures and Considerations for Oral Surgery Practice During COVID-19

2020 • Volume 14 • Issue 3

González Quintanilla, David & Santos-López, Matías



SARS-CoV-2 is a type of coronavirus with a high degree of contagion between patients and health personnel, which is why it has caused the largest health emergency in recent years. The following article seeks to present various recommendations for the practice of oral surgery in order to reduce the probability of contagion of SARSCoV-2 for Dental Surgeons. The most outstanding are hygiene and hand washing for both professionals and patients, disinfection measures, biosecurity and pre-surgical, intraoperative and post-surgical conditions. Consideration should be given not to perform elective surgical procedures and, where possible, defer dental care in patients with non-urgent conditions and those with signs and symptoms of COVID-19.

KEY WORDS: Coronavirus, oral surgery, COVID19, SARS-CoV-2.


How to cite this article

GONZÁLEZ, Q. D. & SANTOS-LÓPEZ, M. Preventive measures and considerations for oral surgery practice and during COVID-19. Int. J. Odontostomat., 14(3):338-341, 2020.


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