Table of Contents
2025 • Volume 19 • Issue 1

Gingival Recessions and their Relationship with Sociodemographic and Periodontal Profile: Case-control Study
Alejandra Sigala-Hernandez; Alejandro Donohue-Cornejo; Juan Carlos Cuevas-González; Karla Lizette Tovar Carrillo; Eligio Varela-González; Felipe Fornelli Martin del Campo; Dalia Abril Guzmán-Gastelum & León Francisco Espinosa Cristóbal
Diagnosis and Etiology of Gummy Smile
Mayra Ramírez S.; Tamara Rivera J.; Alexis Bustos P.; Valentina Álvarez S. & Eduardo Álvarez P.
Bilateral Actinomycotic Osteomyelitis Associated with Impacted Mandibular Third Molars: A Literature Review and Case Report
Management of Cervicofacial Necrotizing Fasciitis of Peritonsillar Origin: A Case Report
Pedro Tapia Contreras; Gustavo Matus-Miranda; Jessica Zeballos Cofré; Melissa Carvajal Guzmán; Florencia Jollán Peña & Sofía Díaz Abarza
Management and Treatment of Retrobulbar Hematoma, Extra- and Intraconal, Associated with Orbital Fracture in an Emergency Department: A Report of Two Cases
José Patricio Hernández Flores; Francisco Pampin López; Bárbara Valenzuela Faunes; Catalina Santibáñez Majul; Nicolás Ibáñez Ballesteros & Isidora Salvador Banda
High Impact Methodologies in Dental Education at the Universidad de La Frontera, Chile
Anita María Beltrán Beltrán; Claudia Lorena Riquelme Macalusso; Jocelynne Caroline Sandoval Grollmus; Priscila Belén Chuhuaicura Soto
Surface Modification of Endodontic Files with Silver Nanoparticles for Antimicrobial Purposes
J. H. Ramírez-González; M. G. Sánchez-Loredo; G. J. Labrada-Delgado; A. M. González-Amaro; M. V. Méndez-González & N. V. Zavala-Alonso
Therapeutic Alternatives of Buccal Mucosa Grafting in Extraoral Reconstructions: a Case of Fournier’s Gangrene
Pedro Tapia Contreras; Marcelo Sarzosa Enrriquez; Gustavo Matus-Miranda; Pablo Pizzi Lazo; Sofía Díaz Abarza & Florencia Jollán Peña
Pre-surgical Orthopedics Using Digital Flows in Newborns with Cleft Lip and Palate
Katia Villarreal Martínez; Gabriela Torre Delgadillo; José Arturo Garrocho Rangel; Raúl Márquez Preciado; Hilda Claudian Fernández del Rosal & Miguel Ángel Rosales Berber
After the Blisters, Challenging Membranous Integrity: Pemphigus Vulgarius and Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid
Eilien Tovío-Martínez; Laura Anaya-Guzmán; Diana Rivera-Peñates; Samuel Urbano-del-Valle & Santiago Beuth-Ruiz
Surgically Treated Maxillofacial Fractures in Dr. Franco Ravera Zunino Hospital in Chile: a Retrospective Study of 5 Years Experience
Pedro Tapia Contreras; Gustavo Matus-Miranda; Pablo Molinare Severino; Jessica Zeballos Cofré; Jose Moreno Zárate; Cristian Matamoros Rojo; Ricardo Sepúlveda Quezada & Florencia Jollán Peña & Sofía Díaz Abarza
Ex-vivo Evaluation of the Deobturation Efficiency of a Bioceramic Cement in Endodontic Retreatments: A Clinical Microscopic. Study
Carola Antini Jara; Ana María Palma Eyzaguirre; Josefa Retamal Martínez; Paulina Trejos Navarro & Constanza Osorio
Psychoeducational Interventions that Ease Dental Environment Adaptation and Preventive Dentistry Application in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Desorder
María Fernanda Señor Zapata; Carmen Gloria Narváez & María Alejandra Hernández Reeve
Development and Validation of an Oral Hygiene Standard Operating Procedure for Professionals Working in Intensive Care Units
Raíssa Barreto Tavares; Geórgya Mayara Travasso Torres; Larissa Rodrigues Magalhães; Michell André Andrade da Silva; Mirela Godoi Nunes de Oliveira; Fabiana Moura da Motta Silveira & Lívia Barboza de Andrade