Anita María Beltrán Beltrán; Claudia Lorena Riquelme Macalusso; Jocelynne Caroline Sandoval Grollmus; Priscila Belén Chuhuaicura Soto
The dentistry career of the Universidad de La Frontera since its inception, has stood out for its emphasis on public health and prevention, experiencing several adjustments in its curriculum and identifying as main axes in the training in Dentistry: the Mention in Prevention and the Updating of National Standards in higher education. On the other hand, from the year 2023 to date, the career is in the fourth process of self-evaluation, awaiting the visit of peer evaluators and also in a process of Curricular Redesign from 2021 to the present, which is in advanced stages; both processes are aligned with the Educational Model of the UFRO. In relation to the various high impact methodologies, the career has implemented some of these in its various curricular lines, such as inverted classroom, problem-based learning, learning plus service and simulation, integrating theory and practice in the learning processes of the students of the career. In short, the importance of continually updating teaching methods and content in order to remain at the forefront of dental education is emphasized.
KEYWORDS: high-impact methodologies, curriculum redesign, curriculum, quality education.
How to cite this article
BELTRÁN, A.; RIQUELME, C.; SANDOVAL, J. & CHUHUAICURA, P. High impact methodologies in dental education at the Universidad de La Frontera, Chile. Int. J. Odontostomat., 19(1):40-44, 2025.