Alejandra Sigala-Hernandez; Alejandro Donohue-Cornejo; Juan Carlos Cuevas-González; Karla Lizette Tovar Carrillo; Eligio Varela-González; Felipe Fornelli Martin del Campo; Dalia Abril Guzmán-Gastelum & León Francisco Espinosa Cristóbal
Gingival recessions are defined as the displacement of the apical soft tissue margin to the cementoenamel junction, which is considered a highly prevalent mucogingival deformity in the global population. The aim of this study was to determine the association of various sociodemographic and periodontal conditions with the presence of gingival recessions. A case-control study was performed to identify the distribution and associations of clinical-periodontal characteristics of patients with and without gingival recessions. Subjects with gingival recessions were considered as cases and subjects with other periodontal conditions were defined as controls. Age, sex, smoking habit, plaque index and periodontal diagnosis were evaluated in all patients. Statistical analysis included chi-square tests, mean, standard deviation and correlation of data. The results indicated that the population was generally made up of women (70.4%) in adulthood (48.7 ± 15.7 years), presenting a considerably high frequency of gingival recessions (59.2%) with periodontal diagnoses located in the most severe stages (21.4-53.1%). Age was presented as a variable with statistically significant differences between the groups with and without gingival recession, considering age as a factor that is statistically associated with the presence of gingival recessions (p= 0.018). This study suggests that, although there are other variables that could be related to the presence of gingival recessions, age could act as a factor that predisposes the appearance of gingival recessions.
KEY WORDS: gingival recession, sociodemographic profile, periodontal diagnosis, epidemiology, odds ratio.
How to cite this article
SIGALA-HERNANDEZ, A.; DONOHUE-CORNEJO, A.; CUEVAS-GONZÁLEZ, J. C.; TOVAR, C. K. L.; VARELA-GONZÁLEZ, E.; FORNELLI, M. C. F.; GUZMÁN-GASTELUM, D. A. & ESPINOSA, C. L. F. Gingival recessions and their relationship with sociodemographic and periodontal profile: case-control study. Int. J. Odontostomat., 19(1):8-14, 2025.