José Patricio Hernández Flores; Francisco Pampin López; Bárbara Valenzuela Faunes; Catalina Santibáñez Majul; Nicolás Ibáñez Ballesteros & Isidora Salvador Banda


Retrobulbar hematoma (RH) is characterized by the extravasation of blood in the retrobulbar space. It is frequently associated with trauma, specifically orbital fractures. Although it is an uncommon complication, it can be potentially devastating in the context of midfacial trauma. Rapid diagnosis is crucial for proper management through medical and surgical interventions. The treatment of this pathology depends on the location of the hematoma. For this, it is crucial to determine the exact location, which requires a detailed understanding of orbital anatomy. The lesion or abnormality may be located in the extraconal or intraconal space. This report aims to describe two cases of RH, one in the intraconal space and the other in the extraconal space, both of which were treated with medical and surgical management in the Emergency Department of the Public Emergency Assistance Hospital, both patients with favorable outcomes.

KEY WORDS: retrobulbar hemorrhage, optic neuropathy, intraconal space, extraconal space.

How to cite this article

HERNÁNDEZ, F. J. P.; PAMPIN, L. F.; VALENZUELA, F. B.; SANTIBÁÑEZ, M. C.; IBÁÑEZ, B. N. & SALVADOR, B. I. Management and treatment of retrobulbar hematoma, extra- and intraconal, Associated with orbital fracture in an emergency department: A report of two cases. Int. J. Odontostomat., 19(1):34-39, 2025.