Table of Contents
2008 • Volume 2 • Issue 2

Variation of Cardiovascular Parameters in Patients undergoing Unerupted Third Molar Surgery under Local Anesthesia Associated with Vasoconstrictor
Oral Health Conditions in Preschool Children During Preventive Dental Check Up
Oporto, Venegas Gonzalo H.; Bertrán, Delgado Carla F.; Santana, Leiva Roberto A.; Gamboa, Vidal Claudio A.; Hernández, Vigueras Scarlette D. & Alister, Herdener Juan Pablo
Masseter Muscle Inserted in the Temporomandibular Joint Discocapsular Complex, a Case Report
Suazo, Galdames Iván; Cantín, López Mario; Roa, Henriquez Ignacio; Aravena, Torres Pedro & Coronado, Gallardo César
Preorthodontic Applied in Children of the Region IX of Chile
Endoscopic Interventions in Oral Implantology – A Report of 5 Years Clinical Experience
Orbital Floor Reconstruction with Titanium Mesh for Middle Third Fracture
Olate, Sergio; Alister, Herdener Juan Pablo; Chaves Netto, de Miranda Henrique Duque; Jaimes, Miguel & Mazzonetto, Renato
Localization of Referred Pain in Patients with Craneocervical Muscles Trigger Points
Alburquerque, Galvão João Pedro Moniz; Suazo, Galdames Iván Claudio & Guimarães, Antonio Sergio
Comparison of the Level of Insertion Periodontal Between Smokers Individuals and Non Smokers
Holmber, Fernando; Zaror, Carlos; Mendez, Fernando; Holmberg, Fernando & Holmberg, Hans
Retromolar Canal and Foramen Prevalence in Dried Mandibles and Clinical Implications
Food Retention on Occlusal Surface of Second Primary Molars
Walter, de Figueiredo Luiz Reynaldo; Lara, Hernández Sandra Marisol; Meneghel, Lira Luciana & Fernandes, Parron Karen Barros