The Milohioideo Nerve in the Accessory Innervation of the Inferior Teeth

2009 • Volume 3 • Issue 1

Vasconcellos, Ayres Henrique ; Campos, Siqueira Antonio Eduardo & Araújo, Guimarãs Geiselanes



The inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) is responsible to innervation for the dental pulp, papillae interdentals, periodontal, bone tissue neighbour to the teeth and through the nerve fibers of the Mylohyoid Nerve (MN) by innervation mylohyoid muscle and anterior belly of the digastric muscle. However there is controversy about the involvement of MN in auxiliary sensitiveness of the teeth downwards. Our objective is to study the possibility of involvement of MN in accessory innervation of mandibular teeth. Studie the anatomy of the IAN and MN through the dissection of the medial side of 12 mandibles of adult human cadavers. IAN and MN identified so perform the morphometry: A – distance between the origin of MN and mandibular foramen; B – width of the NAI before issuing the MN; C – width of MN; in millimeters. The results provide the average values: A = 10.02 ± 4.14; B = 5.67 ± 0.97; C = 2.95 ± 0.437. Measure A was the most varied; the mandibles 8 and 11 showed smal branches of MN in penetrating the medial side of the bone. The change of measure A can to justify the not inclusión of MN in the anesthesia of IAN. Measures B and C illustrate aspects of topographical of MN and IAN nerves that can be applied to the dental practice. The findings of branchs of the MN penetracting in mandible has correspondents in the literature. This study focusing on the morphometry of the IAN and MN and relatios between them can enable diagnostic hypotheses concernning accessory innervation of lower teeth.

KEY WORDS: inferior alveolar nerve, mylohyoid nerve, anesthesia of teeth, face anatomy.


How to cite this article

VASCONCELLOS, H. A.; CAMPOS, A. E. S. & ARAÚJO, G. G. The milohioideo nerve in the accessory innervation of the inferior teeth. Int. J. Odontostomat., 3(1):11-14, 2009.


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