Signs and Symptoms in 3557 Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders

2023 • Volume 17 • Issue 4

Rosita Wurgaft Dreiman; Karen Rappoport Wurgaft & Catalina Soler Lioi



Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are frequently associated with other conditions in the head, ear and neck region, including cervical spine disorders and headache. This study evaluates the presence of signs and symptoms in the head and neck region, including headache, ear disorders, cervical and spine disorders, on a population of 3557 patients with TMD. For this study data consisted of the records of 3557 consecutive TMD patients referred to a temporomandibular disorder and craniofacial pain private clinic in Santiago, Chile between 1998 and 2019. The examination and recordings were made by all the authors. The results were analyzed using the distribution of frequency of the data to asses prevalence. The most prevalent symptoms reported by the 3557 subjects were neck stiffness 65.25 %, headaches 61.01 % and low back pain 57.16 %, the most frequent ear symptom was dizziness 46.70 %. The present study analize the frecuency of signs and symptons presented in a big casuistic of patients with TMD.

KEY WORDS: temporomandibular disorders, craniofacial pain, head, ear, neck, spine, TMJ, tinnitus.


How to cite this article

WURGAFT, D. R.; RAPPOPORT, W. K. & SOLER, L. C. Signs and symptoms in 3557 patients with temporomandibular disorders. Int J. Odontostomat., 17(4): 492-497, 2023.


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