Multiple Supernumerary Teeth In A Non-Syndromic Pediatric Patient. A Review Of The Literature and Presentation of a Clinical Case

2023 • Volume 17 • Issue 3

Mª Carolina Stierling; Diego Ramírez V. & Sebastián Lazo R.



Those cases in which the primary normal dental formula of 20 teeth or the final one of 32 teeth is exceeded are known as supernumerary teeth or hyperdontia. The supernumeraries can be presented in a single or multiple way and in a heteromorphic or eumorphic way. The most prevalent supernumerary is the mesiodens, it occurs more in men, in the permanent dentition and in the maxilla. Its etiology is not confirmed, but it may be due to hyperactivity of the dental lamina. The treatment varies according to each patient depending on whether it is affecting the normal dentition or not and the development of the dental structures. The following case report talks about a 6-year-old, non-syndromic patient, who presented with an erupted mesiodens and more supernumeraries were found thanks to the complementary radiography.

KEY WORDS: supernumerary deeth, pediatric dentistry, pediatric patients.


How to cite this article

STIERLING, M. C.; RAMÍREZ, D. V. & LAZO, S. R. Multiple supernumerary teeth in a non-syndromic pediatric patient, a review of the literature and presentation of a clinical case. Int. J. Odontostomat., 17(3):255-263, 2023.


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