Mesiodistal Crown Diameter of Primary Dentition in Children of the Concepción City, Chile

2007 • Volume 1 • Issue 2

Pérez, Flores María Antonieta; Fierro, Monti Claudia; Barboza, Patricio; Bravo, Rivera Lorena & Torres, Chianale Francisca



Analyzing primary dentition allows to recognice and correct occlusal alterations during development eventhough mesiodistal diameters of dental crowns in temporary tooth is an essential parameter for this analysis, there is no such data in chilean children. That’ s why American data are curently used. The objective was collect data on mesiodistal diameters in molars, canines and incisives in temporary dentition in chilean children. 34 children were selected, 17 boys and 17 girls with exclusively temporary dentition. Mesiodistal diameters were measured with a Dentaurum orthodontic caliper in dental cast obtained in each patient. Inferior molars showed to be wider than superior ones while incisives and canines were wider in the superior arch. There was left to rigth simmetry and no difference was noted comparing boys and girls (p>0.05)

KEY WORDS: Size mesiodistal temporary tooth.


How to cite this article

PÉREZ, F. M. A.; FIERRO, M. C.; BARBOZA, P.; BRAVO, R. L. & TORRES, C. F. Mesiodistal crown diameter of primary dentition in children of the Concepción city, Chile. Int. J. Odontostomat., 1(2):191-195, 2007.


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