Maxillary First Permanent Molar Ectopic Eruption, Evolution and Treatment to Three Years. Clinic Case

2007 • Volume 1 • Issue 2

Fierro, Monti Claudia; Vera, Morales Alejandra & Pérez, Flores María Antonieta



The ectopic eruption of permanent molar is described as an alteration of the trajectory of this tooth, finishing with the impaction against beside tooth. This pathology presents a frequency between 1.6 to the 6% in first maxillary permanent molars.The final diagnostic is radiographic, complemented with the clinic signs such as the asymmetry in the eruption or beginning the eruption with distal apexes in mouth, without presences of the mesial’s ones.The continue evaluation of first permanent molar eruption lead us to diagnostic if the ectopic of its self is reversible or irreversible. The therapeutic omission in the irreversible cases could lead to alteration in eruption of the impacted molar, early loss of the primary second molar and infectious processes among others. This clinic case describes three years of the follow up of a maxillary first molar with ectopic eruption and its favorable resolution mediate a semi fix device, gaining the right position of the molar in the arcade and conservation of the second deciduous molar.

KEY WORDS: ectopic eruption, first permanent molar, treatment.


How to cite this article

FIERRO, M. C.; VERA, M. A. & PÉREZ, F. M. A. Maxillary first permanent molar ectopic eruption, evolution and treatment to three years. Clinic Case. Int. J. Odontostomat., 1(2):185-190, 2007.


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