Table of Contents
2010 • Volume 4 • Issue 1

Atypical Lesion on Soft Palate: A Curious Case
Tolentino, Elen de Souza; Baldo, Vitor de Oliveira; Dreibi, Vanessa Manzini & Chinellato, Luiz Eduardo Montenegro
Frecuency of Self-Exam and Level Knowledge in Patients with Respect to Oral Mucosal Lesions in Temuco, Chile
Monsalves, María José; Raposo, Araceli; Aravena, Paola & Sanhueza, Antonio
Superior Head of the Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Inserting in Asymptomatic Temporomandibular Joints
Manipulation of the Oclusal Plane in Orthognathic Surgery: Facial Considerations
Agreement Evaluation of a Newly Proposed System for Malocclusion Classification
Use of Laser Therapy in Pain Control in Orthodontics
Holmberg, Fernando; Muñoz, Jaime; Holmberg, Felipe; Cordova, Pedro & Sandoval, Paulo
Reflections about Adhesive Systems
De Freitas, Borges Marciano; Diesel, Gutheil Pâmela; Corrêa, Gomez Fernanda; Bernardi, Eledana; Fernandes, Montagner Anelise; Skupien, Jovito Adiel & Susin, Alexandre Henrique
Mesiodistal Width in Temporary Molars of Chilean Children of Concepción and his Correlation with Standard Preformed Steel Crowns
Torres, Chianale María Francisa; Bravo, Rivera Lucía Lorena; Fierro, Monti Claudia & Pérez, Flores María Antonieta
Orofacial Characteristics in Relation to the Need of Orthodontic Treatments in Children
Sandoval, Vidal Paulo; Ceballos, Casanova Mónica; Acevedo, Atala Claudia & Jans, Muñoz Alejandra
Malocclusions and its Psychosocial Impact in Intercultural High-School Students
Periodontal Applications to Orthodontic
Holmberg, Peters Fernando; Holmberg, Peters Felipe; Holmberg, Peters Hans & Sandoval, Paulo
In Vitro Cytotoxicity of Latex Orthodontic Elastics
Dos Santos, Lacerda Rogério; Pithon, Melo Matheus; Martins, Otaviano Fernanda & Romanos, Villela Maria Teresa