To determine the clinical characteristics, guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and evolution of trigeminal neuralgia, postherpetic neuralgia and glossopharyngeal neuralgia. A descriptive study of 119 clinical histories of patients diagnosed with Trigeminal Neoplasia, glossopharyngeal and postherpetic treated at the Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, recording data such as: gender, age, medical history, diagnostic exams, clinical features, branches and side of the face affected, treatments and evolution. 86 clinical records of women and 33 of men were evaluated, 100 with trigeminal neuralgia, 14 postherpetic, 3 glossopharyngeal, the most common affected side was the left side with 51%, the most affected branches in trigeminal neuralgia was the V2-V3, postherpetic V1, the most frequent antecedent of the neuralgias was the AHT, the type of pain that was more frequent was the lancinanting with 82.4%. The most commonly used medication was carbamazepine (60.5%) and pregabalin (29.4%); in surgical treatments radiofrequency was the most used in 32%; 30 patients had relapses that were generally managed with increased doses. This study shows a similarity with the reported literature, presenting more cases of trigeminal neuralgia, followed by the herpetic and finally the glossopharyngeal neuralgia, finding more cases in women than in men, with an average age of 60 years, affecting in Greater proportion the mandibular and maxillary branch in the trigeminal neuralgia and in the postherpetic ophthalmic.
KEY WORDS: trigeminal neuralgia, post-herpetic neuralgia, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, treatment of neuralgia.
How to cite this article
LEÓN-CORREDOR, M.; FONSECA-RUBIO, M. A.; VELOSA-PORRAS, J.; RODRÍGUEZ-CIODARO, A. & BARRIENTOS-SÁNCHEZ, S. Trigeminal, glossopharyngeal and post-herpetic neuralgia in patients of the San Ignacio University Hospital (HUSI) Bogota, Colombia. Int. J. Odontostomat., 15(3):688-693, 2021.