Management of Surgical Wound Infection of Maxillofacial Area

2013 • Volume 7 • Issue 2

Valenzuela, A.; Raposo, A.; Preisler, G. & Salinas, F.



The general objective in the management of mild or severe maxillofacial infections, is to protect the airway, realize surgical removal of the source of infection, surgical drainage of the lesion and adequate antibiotic therapy, control during onset of the lesion and facial injury until resolution the infectious process is complete. The aim of this paper is to present a case of an infection of maxillofacial area, difficult to manage locally and its response to treatment with development and management of the resulting facial wound. Patient is a 48 year-old male, without significant morbid history and is treated at the emergency department of the Base Hospital of Valdivia with a subsequent diagnosis of left facial phlegmon. During onset patient presented resistance to conventional treatment and wound healing was slow after emptying abscessed phlegmon. A hydrogel is used as an adjunct to therapy, leading finally to the resolution of clinical case. We discuss evolution of infectious event with various intervention therapies for severe infectious process.

KEY WORDS: maxillofacial infection, wound healing, wound dressing, hydrogel.


How to cite this article

VALENZUELA, A.; RAPOSO, A.; PREISLER, G. & SALINAS, F. Management of surgical wound infection of maxillofacial area. Int. J. Odontostomat., 7(2):293-297, 2013.


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