Conservative Treatment of Maxillary Desmoplasic Fbroma in Pediatric Patient. A Two-Year follow-up: Case Report and Review of the Literature

2022 • Volume 16 • Issue 1

Víctor Fuentes R.; José Barrios T; Melissa Carvajal G. & Felipe López N.



Desmoplastic fibroma (DF) is a benign, locally aggressive, intraosseous neoplasm of very low frequency – especially in young children – and is considered the bony counterpart of desmoid-type fibromatosis. Treatments ranging from enucleation and curettage to resection of the affected bone segment have been described, due to its high recurrence rate. However, a consensus has been established to avoid such recurrences, which consists in performing a segmental resection with safety margins. In this case report, it was decided to carry out a conservative treatment due to the age of the patient, being the youngest case reported in the literature with a maxillary DF and, in this way, avoiding mutilations and the need for bone reconstruction at such a young age. Also considering their growth status, generation of potential asymmetries or abnormal facial development that could generate aesthetic and functional sequelae, altering their quality of life.

KEY WORDS: desmoplastic fibroma, pediatric, maxillary, bone neoplasm.


How to cite this article

FUENTES, R. V.; BARRIOS, T. J.; CARVAJAL, G. M. & LÓPEZ, F. N. Conservative treatment of maxillary desmoplasic fibroma in pediatric patient. A two-year follow-up: Case report and review of the literature. Int. J. Odontostomat., 16 (1):33-39, 2022.


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