Use of the MTA in Radicular Perforations Without Surgical Action

2007 • Volume 1 • Issue 2

Fuentes, Jorge & Ortega, María Belén



This study corresponds to a series of 22 cases of pieces with radicular perforations that where sealed with MTA to the level of the third cervical. Choosing for the study superior and inferior premolars. The study proposed as objective to know the properties, advantages and indications of the MTA, also the viability of the therapy in these treatments, remembering that is necessary to make new clinical tests that achieve to demonstrate the effectiveness of this material.

KEY WORD: MTA, radicular perforation.


How to cite this article

FUENTES, J. & ORTEGA, M. B. Use of the MTA in radicular perforations without surgical action. Int. J. Odontostomat., 1(2):161-164, 2007.


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