The approximate stature is very important when we are trying to make the identification from incomplete and fragmented skeletonized remains. The purpose of this study was to develop a method for estimation of stature from the dimensions of the arch and radio-cord bow in unilateral maxillary. We evaluated 145 patients between 18 and 44 years old, we determined the actual stature, the arch and radio-cord maxillary on the right side, and with these data we constructed a multivariate linear regression. Equation constructed was allowed to determine the stature is 54% of cases, so the method allows an approximation that must be complemented with other methods.
KEY WORDS: forensic dentistry, anthropology, forensic anthropology, body height.
How to cite this article
GAJARDO, P.; GAJARDO, M.; TORRES, S.; ZAVANDO, D. & SUAZO, G. I. Stature determination from maxillary arch and radio-cord. Int. J. Odontostomat., 5(3):267-269, 2011.