Repercussions on the Oral Cavity Caused by COVID-19 Infection

2021 • Volume 15 • Issue 1

Britto E. Falcón-Guerrero & Guido S. Falcón-Pasapera



Faced with this situation of the COVID19 pandemic, dentists play an important role in detecting and supporting early diagnosis, since effects that this infection causes in the oral cavity and that are related to the onset are being reported. of this infectious process. These effects can be related to the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus or to the forms of treatments that are given to the patient, which are detrimental to the oral health of patients. The objective of this review is to inform about the repercussions that can occur in the oral cavity due to infection with COVID-19.

Keywords: COVID-19, Dental Health Services, SARS-CoV-2; infection control, coronavirus, saliva, dentistry.


How to cite this article

FALCÓN-GUERRERO, B. E. & FALCÓN-PASAPERA, G. S. Repercussion on the oral cavity caused by COVID-19 infection. Int. J. Odontostomat., 15(1):23-26, 2021.


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