Prevalence of Supernumerary Teeth on Panoramic Radiographs in a Non-Adult Peruvian Sample

2014 • Volume 8 • Issue 3

Iván E. Pérez; Allison K. Chávez & Darío Ponce



The design of the present study was transversal and descriptive, the objective was to determine the prevalence and distribution of supernumerary teeth in panoramic radiography from Peruvians in Lima – Peru. The panoramic radiography of 1754 non-syndromic patients between 3 to 20 years of age were evaluated in order to determine the presence of supernumerary teeth and associated variables like number of supernumerary teeth, affected jaw and region, type according to shape, type according to location, eruption status and complications. The prevalence of supernumerary teeth was 4.62% (81 patients, 113 supernumerary teeth), 2.22% in females (39 patients, 53 supernumerary teeth) and 2.4% and in the males (42 patients, 60 supernumerary teeth). A singly supernumerary tooth (72.8%), in the maxilla (72.8%) and the antero-superior region (55.8%) was the most frequent presentation; the conical (39%) and supplementary shape (25.6%) along with the anterior supernumerary teeth (34.5%) and parapremolar supernumerary teeth (31.9%) were the most frequent shape an location found; the intraosseous (46.9%) and impacted (24.8%) were the most frequent eruption status found; and the malposition of nearby teeth (38.1%) was the most frequent complication. The prevalence of supernumerary teeth in Peruvians was higher than that reported in the literature and the distribution of the supernumerary teeth associated variables was similar to those reported in the literature.

KEY WORDS: tooth abnormalities, tooth, supernumerary tooth, supernumerary/radiography tooth, supernumerary/diagnosis tooth, unerupted/radiography radiography, panoramic.


How to cite this article

PÉREZ, I. E.; CHÁVEZ, A. K. & PONCE, D. Prevalence of supernumerary teeth on panoramic radiographs in a non-adult Peruvian sample. Int. J. Odontostomat., 8(3):377-383, 2014.


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