Organoids in Dentistry. Advances in this New Research Approach: A Scoping Review

2024 • Volume 18 • Issue 2

Bernarda A. Reyes; Daniela A. Reyes & Marcelo R. Sánchez



Organoids (O) are a type of 3D cell culture, which reproduce the morphological and functional characteristics of various organs or tissues in an in vivo environment. They are achieved through the proliferation and differentiation of Stem Cells (SC) into different cell lines with the ability to self-organize. They are capable of reproducing form, function, gene expression, or responses to stimuli in the same way as the original organ. This has allowed it to serve as the basis for multiple investigations in the medical and dental field. In recent years, it has been possible to successfully recreate practically all human organs, such as the lungs, liver, reproductive tract, brain and many others (Bartfeld, 2021). In the same way, there are several lines of dental research developed, specifically, the creation of O from oral organs such as teeth and salivary glands, are the most reported (Oshima et al., 2017). However, they are not common knowledge of the general dentist. This exploratory systematic review aims to present an overview of the accumulated evidence, determining the dental research areas, as well as their results. Dental research, based on the use of O, is of high quality and cutting-edge, showing promising results and a favorable future, both for dentistry and for patients.

KEY WORDS: organoids, 3D cultures, stem cells, stomatognathic system.


How to cite this article

REYES, B.A.; REYES, D.A. & SÁNCHEZ, M.R. Organoids in dentistry: advances in this new research approach: Exploratory systematic review. Int. J. Odontostomat., 18(2):156-164, 2024.


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