Oral Health Conditions and Prosthetic Status in Elderly Population Assisted by the Public Hospital Network of Medellin (Colombia)

2016 • Volume 10 • Issue 1

Adriana Posada-López; Andrés A. Agudelo-Suárez & Edwin J. Meneses-Gómez



This study aimed to analyze oral health conditions and prosthetic status in elderly population assisted by the public hospital network in Medellin (Colombia). A cross sectional study was conducted by means a two-stage sampling in hospital units and health centers attached to this network. 342 adults aged 65 and over (58.2 % women) participated and the information was collected through survey and clinical examination. Variables: Sociodemographic: age, sex, socioeconomic status, educational level, place of residence, social support (Duke-11). Oral Health: Self-perceived Oral health, presence of oral problems in the last month. Clinical indicators: DFMT Index, present teeth, state of dentures, oral mucosa problems. Univariate and bivariate analysis and calculation of chi-square tests were carried out to observe statistically significant differences among different variables. As main findings people ≥75 years, men, people of socioeconomic and educational level lower, located in urban areas and with low social support tend to report poor self-perceived oral health. The average teeth in the population was 5.7 (±7.8), implying a 24.2 average DFMT (±5.9), differing according to demographic variables. Over 55 % of men and women require lower denture change and 70 % of them require change of upper prostheses. Main oral mucosa problems were observed: Candidiasis (12 %), ulcers (7 %), leukoplakia (7 %), lichen planus (1 %). As a conclusion poor oral health conditions was observed and they can be explained on the situation of social vulnerability faced o this population and barriers to preventive and curative oral health care.

KEY WORDS: oral health, dental prosthesis, oral hygiene, health of the elderly, dental care.


How to cite this article

POSADA-LÓPEZ, A.; AGUDELO-SUÁREZ, A. A. & MENESES-GÓMEZ, E. J. Oral health conditions and prosthetic status in elderly population assisted by the public hospital network of Medellin (Colombia). Int. J. Odontostomat., 10(1):161-171, 2016.


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