Miniscrew-Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion: Descriptive Study of Patient’s Profile. Success Rate and Complications

2024 • Volume 18 • Issue 4

Bustamante Araya M.; Cuellar Chaparro I.; Escobar Riquelme S. & Romero Romano P.



Maxillary compression is a maxillomandibular anomaly caused by a lack of transverse development of the maxilla. The indicated treatment is disjunction of the Median Palatal Suture (MPS), and there are a variety of procedures to achieve this. The aim of this retrospective, descriptive, observational study was to calculate the success rate and describe the complications of a series of cases of patients with transverse maxillary deficiency, between the second and fourth decade of life, treated with Miniscrew-Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (MARPE). The MARPE technique had a success rate of 81.8 %, with complications occurring in 4 participants (36.4 %). These were loss of stability of the miniscrew(s), submerged miniscrews and peri-implant inflammation. Since the transverse maxillary deficiency anomaly is highly prevalent, found in both children and adults, it is essential to continue researching in order to define which treatment is the most effective for each stage of the midpalatal suture.

KEY WORDS: MARPE, palatal expansion technique.


How to cite this article

BUSTAMANTE ARAYA, M.; CUELLAR CHAPARRO, I.; ESCOBAR RIQUELME, S. & ROMERO ROMANO, P. Miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expansion: Descriptive study of patient’s profile. Success rate and complications. Int. J. Odontostomat., 18(4):476-486, 2024.


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