Endodontic treatments are among the dental procedures with the highest success rate. They are performed due to the evolution of a carious process or dental trauma, which leads the pulp to a state of irreversible inflammation or directly to pulp necrosis. The aim of the treatment is to eliminate the affected pulp tissue together with the microorganisms, keeping the root canal disinfected during and post-treatment. One of the factors described in the literature that leads to endodontic treatment failure is bacterial microleakage through the coronal filling, so the sealing capacity of provisional materials plays a fundamental role in the evolution and prognosis of the treatment. The aim of this review is to evaluate the coronal microleakage of temporary filling materials in endodontically treated teeth using the dye penetration technique. A systematic review was carried out by searching for publications in the PubMed, SciELO and Cochrane databases from the last 24 years, in English and Spanish. Only in vitro/ex vivo studies of endodontic teeth coronally filled with different provisional materials and subjected to dye penetration testing were included. From a total of 201 articles found, 23 were selected, analyzed and included in this review. The results of the selected studies were diverse. The most analyzed materials in the studies are Coltosol, Cavit and MRI. The microleakage found varied according to the material used, however, no material was able to avoid microleakage completely. Bioplic, a light-curing resinous material, is the only material which in one of the two studies where it was tested had no microleakage. Due to the heterogeneity in the measurement methodology of the studies analyzed, it is suggested to standardize when carrying out new research.
KEY WORDS: temporary restorative materials, microleakage, endodontics, dye penetration testing.
How to cite this article
SILVA, O. V.; ECHEVERRÍA, A. D. & HERNÁNDEZ-VIGUERAS, S. Microleakage in temporary filling materials used in endodontics. A systematic review. Int. J. Odontostomat., 18(4):415-425, 2024.