Literature Review of the Use of Low Power Laser Therapy for Treating Inferior Alveolar Nerve Disorder in Sagittal Ramus Osteotomy

2012 • Volume 6 • Issue 3

Solé, Pedro; Moller, Andrea; Reininger, David



A major complication that occurs at the sagittal ramus osteotomy, is the presence of damage occurring at the inferior alveolar nerve. An incidence of paresthesia after this technique reported at 85-87%, of which between 0-24% are left with permanent paresthesia. Among the treatments used to restore sensitivity is the use of low level laser therapy, which is used to speed recovery and repair sensitive neurons, reduce pain, and restore normal functioning to injured nerve. The aims were to undertake a literature review of empiric research on the results obtained in patients under going sagittal ramus osteotomy, who has sensory disturbances and in wich laser treatment was used, and create a laser treatment protocol in patients undergoing sagittal ramus osteotomy. A review of articles between the years 1990-2010, using search engines such as EBSCO, Cochcrane, Tripdatabase, Medline, Lilacs, Pubmed and Decs. The review also included a search in scientific journals. The results of the reviewed literature showed the beneficial effect of the use of laser, demonstrating its effectiveness in the early recovery of postoperative sensitivity. The use of low level laser therapy is a favorable alternative for patients with sensory impairment who underwent sagittal ramus osteotomy due to its rapid and greater sensitivity recovery.

KEY WORDS: low level laser theraphy, sagital split osteotomy, orthognathic sugery, neuropraxia, inferior alveolar nerve.


How to cite this article

SOLÉ, P.; MÖLLER, A. & REININGER, D. Literature review of the use of low power laser therapy for treating inferior alveolar nerve disorder in sagittal ramus osteotomy. Int. J. Odontostomat., 6(3):307-311, 2012.


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