Instrument to Measure Patient Satisfaction about Dental Care Clinic

2016 • Volume 10 • Issue 1

Gonzalo Vásquez; Gilda Corsini; Monica Silva; Jorge Fuentes; Mariana Chahin & Juan Diego Santibáñez



This paper discloses the importance of creating an instrument for measuring the satisfaction of attention of the patients attending at the dental clinics of La Frontera University. The criteria used to justify both the creation and the elements that should include the measuring instrument were obtained from a review of several authors, references covering items of various kinds of social, getting data from the current importance of recording and processing user satisfaction as a means of improvement in the modern world the quality of service provided by the institutions. Moreover, delivery components that should be incorporated in a satisfaction survey for the selected target group.

KEY WORDS: education, measurement, survey, quality, satisfaction.


How to cite this article

VÁSQUEZ, G.; CORSINI, G.; SILVA, M. FUENTES, J.; CHAHIN, M. & SANTIBÁÑEZ, J. D. Instrument to measure patient satisfaction about dental care clinic. Int. J. Odontostomat., 10(1):129-134, 2016.


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