This study evaluated the cleanliness of post space after different irrigation protocols, associated or not to the use of ultrasound. Thirty-six single-rooted bovine roots were instrumented with rotary system, irrigated with 1 % hypochlorite and filled with Ah Plus sealer and gutta-percha cones. After seven days in stove at 37 °C, two-thirds of canal filling was removed by drilling and the post space preparation was irrigated with 2.5 % NaOCl (group NaOCl); 0.2 % chlorhexidine (group CLX); distilled water (group Water); 2.5 % NaOCl + ultrasound (group NaOCl-US); 0.2 % chlorhexidine + US (Group CLX-US); or water + US (Group Water-US). Roots were cleaved in mesiodistal direction, prepared for scanning electron microscope (SEM) to evaluate the smear layer and debris presence and for energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analyses, to evaluate chemical components of dentin after treatment. The data were subjected to statistical analysis (twoway Anova and Tukey’s test 5 %). EDS analysis showed the presence of chemical components of filling material in the samples from all groups. SEM images showed large amount of obliterated dentinal tubules. The use of ultrasound influenced the removal of some components of filling material (p<0.05), but not allowed for total cleaning. It was concluded that none of the irrigating solutions, associated or not to the use of ultrasound were able to completely clean the post space.
KEY WORDS: endodontics, energy dispersive spectroscopy, irrigation, post space preparation.
How to cite this article
JUNQUEIRA, R. B.; DE VASCONCELOS, R. A.; BRESCIANI, E.; MARINHO, R. M. M. & VALERA, M. C. Influence of irrigants in association with ultrasound for cleaning root dentin surface after post space preparation: EDS analysis. Int. J. Odontostomat., 10(1):35-40, 2016.