Iconic and Iconographic Analysis of a Mapuche Dental Procedure Photographed by Gustavo Milet

2015 • Volume 9 • Issue 1

Alonso Azócar; Mario Cantín; Héctor Silva Mella; Tania Flores Lillo; Nicolás Ernesto Ottone & Ramón Fuentes



The vital relationship of the Mapuche with the land, not only covers the area of material subsistence, but also involves a spiritual expression. The present study gives a subtle look at the complex medical/religious systems of the Mapuche people, their concepts of health, habits and actions to solve their daily medical-dental needs, which are revealed through a complete Iconic and iconographic analysis of a photograph by Gustavo Milet.

KEY WORDS: tooth extraction, dentists, Mapuche, photography.


How to cite this article

AZÓCAR, A.; CANTÍN, M.; SILVA, M. H.; FLORES, L. T.; OTTONE, N. E. & FUENTES, R. Iconic and iconographic analysis of a Mapuche dental procedure photographed by Gustavo Milet. Int. J. Odontostomat., 9(1):97-100, 2015.


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